JUST IN: Man used hair dryer to set Lakewood home on fire; Charged with Arson, other charges

An arrest has been made following a suspicious fire at a Lakewood home, police said.

“On January 7th, just after midnight, Officers and Firefighters responded to a reported structure fire at 107 Michelle Way. The fire was discovered when the resident returned home and discovered thick black smoke coming from the third floor. She and her boyfriend immediately exited the home but not before suffering from smoke inhalation. Both parties were transported to a local hospital for treatment.

Firefighters on scene found reason to believe that the fire may have been set intentionally so investigators from the Ocean County Fire Marshal’s Office and the Ocean County Prosecutors Office initiated an arson investigation. Evidence recovered at the scene confirmed firefighter’s suspicions.

Further investigation by Det. Pete Aakjer, Lakewood Police Department and Detective’s John Doran and Chris Bonner, Ocean County Prosecutors Office resulted in the arrest of the female’s ex boyfriend,

33 year old Alfredo Hernandez Martinez of Lakewood. Evidence revealed that Martinez entered the home, set fire by turning on a hair dryer and then placing it under her bed sheets. He then exited the home prior to fleeing the area.

As a result, Martinez was arrested and charged last evening with Aggravated Arson and an act of Burglary under the Domestic Violence Act. He was later transported to Ocean County Jail.”

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  1. It’s informing the public that reads this of the arrest that was made in regard to the fire investigation. It involves lakewood residents and it’s important for some. If not no need to comment just pass the story by

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