JUST IN: Lakewood Stabbing Suspect Released To Family Supervision Until Next Hearing [PHOTO]

The woman who stabbed a Lakewood resident in the back as he was loading his vehicle near Out To Lunch appeared in court today.

The suspect, who was held at Ocean County Jail since the December 29 attack, appeared in front of Judge Wendel Daniels in Ocean County Court this afternoon.

After hearing from the Prosecutor and Defense Attorney, Judge Daniels released the suspect to her mother and children in Toms River until the next hearing, expected later this month.

Part of the condition was that the suspect needed to remain at the home at all times unless going to court.

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  1. Welcome to the nutso bizarre world of liberalism and their activists. This is our reality folks. Stab someone on Monday and be home by the weekend….
    And our local politicians are absolutely SILENT………

  2. Let’s see any politician speak up. This is absolutely insane. Here’s a verifiably crazy woman who tried to kill someone and we trust her to stay home? Who is taking responsibility??? Which politician?? And this is just the beginning of the Liberal insanity. Biden and his people are on the way…

  3. They admitted during the hearing that she was a threat to society and there was strong belief that should would not appear back in court if they let her out. They also said that she hasn’t had contact with this mother in 2 1/2 years and that the mother works full time so she won’t be able to watch her. The judge came to the conclusion that her 19 yr old son
    would watch that she doesn’t do anything. This world is nuts . If someone can stab a 12 inch knife into a random strangers back she should not be let out of a cell 10 days later. Just because he survived should not change the way they treat her.

  4. I’m sorry this is retarded how in the world is someone let out that attempted murder this could have ended way worse we live in a crazy liberal run county with pathetic people in control have no idea what the flip they are doing they have the whole system messed up ye def this dumb messed up lady will just sit in her house and be an angel now ofc wtvs I’m some time to move out!!

  5. After hearing the judges decision..I feel the next time there is an opening
    in the Surpreme Court..He should get it. LOL..

    What is going on in our country ??

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