JUST IN: Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva issue letter regarding elections

The Lakewood Roshei Yeshivah this evening issued the following letter regarding the elections, and the Lakewood Va’ad and its endorsements.


“We express our strong support to the Lakewood Va’ad, who lead our Kehilla faithfully and with complete responsibility in the range of public matters. In particular, they work with the matters of elections, making endorsements with faithful concern to the needs of the community as a whole, and solely for the community’s benefit.

They have worked in this for many years with the good and welfare of the entire community their mission and focus.

May their work and efforts be strengthened and through their handiwork the beauty of Torah be elevated, and the name of Hashem sanctified in the world.”



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    • Have to agree with you. I’m a simple no-name brand person, and once had an issue so I reached out to mayor coles. I was actually quite shocked when he himself picked up the phone to call me and gave me the time on the phone to resolve the issue. And no, he didn’t ask me to publicize it. He’s truly a caring man. He has my family’s vote.

  1. Anon,

    I’m sorry and with all due respect I am asking this: do you even have an iota of knowledge concerning the laws of America? If you are a new citizen I don’t understand how you passed the citizenship test.

    It is called voter fraud for a reason and PUNISHABLE BY LAW.

    Please acquire a law or history book.

  2. You people are misunderstanding Anon’s question. He’s not trying to fraud. He wants to know if NJ allows vote by proxy. Unfortunately, no. The closest we have is vote by mail.

  3. Mr. Coles, You are a true political inspiration. The way you genuinely care for us and our wonderful town! You go above and beyond without fanfare or publicity!
    Mr. Coles I truly admire your work and and the way you use your authority of power to enhance our quality of life! You have my vote and I wish you only success!!
    Thank you! Thank you!

  4. Ty, why don’t you vote for a person based on wether he’s appropriate for the job not based on your feelings of hakoras hatov. You don’t owe him anything. He works for you.

  5. Why is the Vaad telling me who to vote for different than Michelle Obama telling me to vote for Hilary Clinton?

    Isn’t the purpose of the vote so that I can vote for who I want to without anyone interfering?

    Just asking, not trying to be disrespectful.

  6. Thank you TLS for showing me that you are FAKE NEWS WITH your own corrupt and dishonest agenda
    By not posting my honest post with nothing but a simple sentence. Now you have given me a honest agenda of letting everyone know that TLS is just as dishonest and Corrupt as CNN. What a chillul Hashem .

    May you do Teshuva and return to honesty ASAP before Hashem forces your TLS to be hacked

    • So because you probably tried cursing out rabbonim and roshei yeshivah and TLS didn’t post it, they are fake news? You want shmutz? There’s plenty places for that. This is a family friendly community site.

      Thank you TLS for keeping a civil forum for my family and coworkers.

    • Go hide back under your rock. I’m from Jackson and can show you waht fake news looks like. TLS is probably the most straight forward and down to earth real reporting in the county. You’re probably mad because you’re from the group of complainers who do nothing but (moderated) all day from your mother’s basement. (moderated)

  7. At first it was surprised to see you printed and John’s comment but I guess you did to print the responses. Or to be really cynical you printed John’s comment and only the responses you approved of

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