JUST IN: Jackson Board of Education Approves 24 Bus Routes for Private Schools

The Jackson Board of Education moments ago approved 24 bus routes for private schools.

The schools include: The Lakewood Cheder, Bais Faiga, Ohr Hatorah, Ohr Yehuda, Shagas Aryeh, Torah Zev, Bais Tova, Bnos Bracha, Bnos Devorah, Bnos Melech, Meoros, Talmud Torah of Lakewood, and Even Yisroel.

“Please note, not every child from these schools are on the bus,” said a Jackson official.

The Board of Education will send out notifications in the coming days.

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  1. @rc
    This will cause less traffic, as less cars will have to drive the streets doing car pool. Each bus takes at least 10 cars off the road (assuming there are 50 kids on a bus and 5 kids in each car pool

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