BREAKING: Gov. Christie Endorses Trump for President; VIDEO [UPDATED]

christie and trumpGov. Christie moments ago during a press conference announced he’s endorsing Donald Trump for President. “I am proud to be here to endorse Donald Trump for president of the United States,” Christie, who dropped out of the race said. “There is no one better prepared to provide American with the strong leadership that it needs than Donald Trump.

Christie, who says he’s a good friend of Trump, says he made the decision yesterday morning.

“I’m endorsing the person I feel is best to beat Hillary Clinton,” Christie says.

Christie says he has not been offered any positions, and he plans on completing his term as Governor, and then going into the private sector “and make money like Trump!”



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  1. Just goes to show why I can’t stand Christie. The same guy who hugged Obama. That’s why he has zero chance of getting the nomination.

  2. listen, we all know trump is most likely to win. so i say christie couldn’t be any smarter. let him set his cards right from the start and be there for trump so trump will look after new jersey when needed.

  3. I for the life of me cannot understand why Christie’s endorsement of Trump is even a news story much less a buzz and a hysteria all over the media. If you read some of the quotes one my think that Christie is second to none. In all fairness, Governor Christie’s candidacy never gained any traction, his campaign was lackluster at best. He spent the last several months running around with a taxpayer funded state police security detail in New Hampshire all the while not doing his job as governor of NJ. Granted, he did well in the debates but he used that only strength to tear down his opponents (including Trump) and finally he leaves the campaign when his team finally convinced him that he has no chance of ever winning. And now out of bitterness towards Rubio (or jealousy rather) he endorses the very guy he bashed not just on stage but at many of his town hall meetings, and the media are all over this big story as if anyone really cares other then Trump. Can someone please enlighten me.

  4. It is newsworthy because Christy merely suspended his campaign. The means that he can legally give all the money he’s raised to the Trump campaign.

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