JUST IN: Dovid Egert Backs out of Fire Commissioner Race, Louie Follman Running

fire commissioners offc tlsDovid Egert has backed out of the Fire Commissioner race, and Louie Follman will be running for a seat, TLS has learned.

Earlier this month, TLS reported that newcomers Dovid Egert and Moshe Raitzik have filed for the upcoming election, along with incumbent Meir Cohen.

Commissioner Meir Cohen filled the seat of former Commissioner and current Committeeman Mike D’Elia. That seat is up for reelection for a three-year term. The seat of resigned Commissioner Juan Ortiz is up for reelection for a two-year term.

Follman is running for the two year term.

The elections are next month.



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  1. If they don’t plow the drive ways in a snow storm they won’t be fighting fire with fire trucks! The Firehouses weren’t plowed until after 8pm Saturday. Several trucks were stuck in the driveways, why?

  2. OMG. I am so happy to hear this. The TWSP, so badly, needs someone who knows how to run a business and will run it like a business. For that, who better than th Rebbeh, Rabbainu Reb Louie. Finally, someone to vote for. Go Louie, Go !! And Efraim HaTzaddik should be his campaign manager !!

  3. My dear talmid and friend your devotion to the klall is remarkable. May you continue to serve the community with lots of health and wealth. You are a inspiration !!!

  4. To Command Post – ur 100% right. I’ve been saying this for years – we need the smarter,talented &capable ppl in these positions in our town. Jbw – ur right – I’m actually hoping Louie does run for twsp committee in the near future. Louie Rules !! And, just BTW, his pizza Rox !!!

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