Judge To Issue Ruling On Presidential Cell Tower Within Weeks

The appeal in the cell tower case brought by the homeowners in Presidential Estates was argued before a 3-judge panel in the Appellate Division earlier today, Attorney Larry Loigman tells TLS. Loigman says the judges seemed quite concerned about the procedures by the lack of notice to nearby residents. 

Loigman says a ruling will be issued in about a month. TLS.

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  1. hard to beleive the little guy will win against corporate at most it will delay it but corporate well connected well monied alwyas wins at the end

  2. if that picture is an actual image of the cell tower in question and not just a generic image it really does not even look to be that close to any homes

  3. #3 is absolutely correct. There is no evidence that towers are harmful and if you do some research you will find that there is more evidence pointing to harmful effects of USING a cell phone than of living this distance from a tower.

    We all want the cell phone service but without the infrastructure that makes it possible. Sort of like the environmentalists that wants wind towers but not in their backyards but rather in someone else’s.

  4. Actually, one of the main reasons for fighting this tower was because the way it was put up-without notice and our input being given-it is a matter of fighting for our rights. The law requires that any property owner seeking planning board approval to give notice by certified mail to anyone ‘property within 200 feet’. The property of Presidential Estates Homeowners Association is within 200′ of the cell tower property. We are also
    fighting the way it went up. We would have advised it be
    put on the other end of the baseball fields where it won’t be visible from our homes. The only way to fight it is the legal way and that is why we are fighting them on a technicality-the same way they chose to put it up- trying to get it past us with the law that (they didn’t realize was in error) allowed them to move it quickly and sneakily through the system.

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