VIDEO: Jrunners Approach 125 Mile Finish Line

jrunners finish lineVIDEO: Updated 6:00 p.m. The 125 mile running trip which began yesterday in Brooklyn, is coming to an end now, as the runners make their way to the Finish Line in the Catskill Mountains. “It’s not to be believed” one of the organizers at the finish line tells TLS. “Last night one of the runners
was running over the GWB, and after coming off the bridge, a Frum Yid drove by and saw him. He stopped and gave the runner a check while he was running”!

The race, joined by a Lakewood resident, began in Brooklyn, NY and ran 125 miles all the way to the Catskill Mountains, in order to raise money for a 39 year old father of five in Brooklyn that was recently diagnosed with ALS.

Read more about the race here.

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  1. Yitzy, your brother and all his friends did a great job with this. I wish I could have joined but I am not a runner anymore. What this does is want me to start running again.

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