Josh Pruzansky Joins Governor Christie In Fight For School Vouchers

christie with josh pruzansky_wmFollowing last night’s dinner in Washington DC, with the Governor, Josh Pruzansky, Director of Agudath Israel of NJ gave TLS an exclusive report of the evening’s event and accomplishments: Tonight I had the honor of attending the American Federation for Children Dinner at the Omni Hotel in Washington, DC. The Federation is one of the leading advocates for School Choice in the United States and many other School Choice groups were represented at this event. Joining me from Agudath Israel were Rabbi Yechiel Kalish, National Director of Governmental Affairs and Rabbi AD Motzen, Ohio Regional Director.

Agudath Israel is known as one of the most successful organizations in the School Choice movement assuming a leadership role in many battleground States.

Tonight we had the privilege of hearing Governor Chris Christie deliver the keynote address. Joining the Governor from the State House was Chief of Staff Richard Bagger and Commissioner of Education Bret Schundler.

The Governor’s speech was outstanding and he was quite emphatic about the prospects of School Choice coming to New Jersey. He said if it can be done in New Jersey, it can be done anywhere else in this Country.

He received numerous ovations and it was quite an energetic crowd.

As far as the NJ Opportunity Scholarship Act is concerned, it will be heard in the Senate Economic Development Committee on May 13th. The bill will provide Corporate Tax Scholarships to qualifying families in Lakewood, Passaic and Elizabeth among 40 other failing school districts.

This is an important first step in School Choice in New Jersey, and although it won’t totally solve our tuition crisis it will be the first of hopefully many more bills that will help us achieve tuition relief.

For more information on this piece of legislation please email: [email protected]

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  1. in a community like ours, if we get vouchers, we can then lower our property taxed & people can afford to live normally & spend $ . and generate a normal economy

  2. The Lakewood Schools should make a Tefillah asifa where we should get together and daven that Cristie is successful in his effort to bring vouchers to NJ. It would save millions of Yidishe dollars and take tremendous pressure off parents.

  3. As much as I hope this passes, Personally I won’t apply bl’n.From the few zchusim I have is paying my children’s tuition (ain Holam miskayim…etc) and I don’t wont the government to take even that away from from me.If I can help this pass I will, but paying tuition is a zchus.Sometimes it is hard fo me to fargin those on the programs who have so much more then me with so little effort, this time it won’t be.

  4. So if lakewood has a failing school system, the entire lakewood population gets vouchers? Or just the present students in a failing school?
    And where would the funding come from? Township taxes or State taxes?
    Because if it is either, then the money has to come from somewhere, and we will be paying for the vouchers one way or another. Meaning, we have approximately 15,000 students in private school in lakewood that are currently not really part of the budget. And the existing public schools will not be dismantled. Just people will be given a choice to go to private school.

    So there will be 15,000 more tuitions to pay for. And however many public school children will be placed in private schools tuition’s. And the public school bill will pretty much stay the same (perhaps a few less teachers).
    That seems to be a pretty hefty bill.

    So this amounts to more programs, and more taxes. And once again, the people who are freeloading, and not covering their burden, are rejoiced. And the people who pay for these programs are less than rejoiced.

    Which category are YOU in? A giver or taker? What does the Torah teach us? I was taught in Yeshiva to emulate Hashem, and be a giver.

  5. Before people get carried away, keep in mind that be very difficult from a constitutional basis for the state government to fund religious schools. We will much sooner see vouchers for private secular schools than for any religious schools.

    Secondly, school vouchers will come with significant strings attached, especially related to curriculum, teacher licensing etc. Lakewood schools would need to make significant changes in order to qualify, and I’m sure that many many in the frum community will not be willing to make these changes to their childrens chinuch.

  6. hey #6 fagin alst. Everyone will appreciate those vouchers and you can pay because you will stand on principle. Lets see

  7. To #8: The Opportunity Scholarship Act does not provide Direct Aid to schools but rather Scholarships to families to be used at the School of their choice.

    The headline should read Corporate Tax Scholarships not Vouchers.


  8. in milwaukee wi- the local cheder/bais yakov under R’ Twerski leadership has a voucher program- most probably th- only 1 or 2 such jewish schools in the USA.

    all though you may teach religious studies you ust have a good english program and you must accept all that wish to attend from any background if you have a slot opening – even nisht unzerer.

    yes a student must dress within the dress code of the school Yarmulka, titiziz and all. daven…. and keep up woththe class.

    so if nist unzerer wants to come they can. it happened and few month later they left on their own.

  9. i am no longer on the fence.
    I will joinon behalf of the parent’s of children who cannot afford tuition and instead of using tzedakah monies will instead benefit as an equal citizen in this state.
    the biggest of compliments to all those who are driving Aguda of new Jersey.
    Continued hatzlocha in all your efforts on our behalf.

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