Jonathan Pollard Released from Prison after 30 Years

pollard tlsJonathan Pollard, who was sentenced to life in prison for passing classified information to a U.S. ally, was released this morning, after 30 years in prison.

(TLS was the first worldwide to report about his release on parole, based on information we exclusively received in July.)

first reportPollard, approximately 61, was working as a military intelligence analyst in the Navy when he was arrested in 1985 after passing classified information to Israel. In 1987, Pollard was sentenced to life in prison. He was the only American ever sentenced to life in prison for spying for a U.S. ally.

Pollard will be barred from returning to Israel for five years, and will be under close surveillance, including GPS tracking.


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  1. I heard an interpretationn of the pasuk – “samcheinu kiymos inisonu” (tehilim 90:15)
    that Hashem should add years to ones life according to the years of his affliction. May Mr. Pollard have many more years in good health with his wife to make up for the years he was in prison.

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