Johnson & Johnson is among other large companies who have recently joined the Parnassah Expo Job Fair taking place later this month, Parnassah Expo says. The company, like many others, will be showcasing the jobs available and offering jobs to qualified individuals, Parnassah Expo’s founder, Duvi Honig, says.
The Expo will offer: 1) Jobs 2) Head hunting and direction 3) Available courses to learn a profession and 4)business enhancement tools including legal advice, setting up a business properly, business consulting and more.
“The Jewish community is growing by leaps and bounds and it is crucial that a system be developed to help everyone network and stay afloat”, Honig says. “Over the past 2 years, Learn and Network has built a huge multi task network body of Parnassah tools and affiliations for the Frum Jew. At this point we are obligated to share it with the Klal, as Torah, Parnassah and Shalom Bayis, all depend on it greatly”, Honig stated.
“Learn and Network has helped hundreds of families Baruch Hashem and we hope to be able to continue with Hashem’s help with the support of the community.”
The Expo will be taking place at the Bais Yaakov Hall on February 26.
Click here for more info.
Attention businesses: To reserve a booth, or for more info, contact them via email [email protected] or call 732-987-7704 ext 7237, or visit their site here. TLS.
kudos to Duvi!!!
he’s amazing. he proves that every individual can have a significant impact on the oilem
This maybe unnecessary to mention but people who are planning on attending this event should make sure to bring along a stack of updated resumes.
If you have been to a job fair you know that what happens is that you walk around and speak to which ever company you have an interest in, and then you hand them your resume so they can learn about who you are and be in touch with you.
It is smart to bring along a stack of resumes so that you are prepared to hand out as many as needed.
If you do not bring resumes you are wasting your time.
Is this expo for men only, or can women attend too?
woman 12-2.30pm
As a business owner, i can say one important thing: the first impression makes a big difference.
Get dressed as if you are going to an interview; Polish your shoes, Wear a tie, (brush your teeth)… Got it?
Also, make sure your resume is not a copy from a fax that your brother-in-law faxed…
I’ve seen it all.