John Franklin: Crew Still Working On Clearing Roads

Franklin John public worksTLS spoke with John Franklin this morning as we continue to monitor the cleanup process. We relayed to Mr. Franklin about the many who complained about their roads not yet cleared. He is aware of it, and said “there is so much snow, and it’s extremely heavy snow too”. As a side point, motorists are urged to use caution because temperatures are near freezing and there could be ice on the roadways. We will continue to keep you updated.

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  1. First of all, thank you very much for cleaning my block Wednesday morning!! It was greatly appreciated!!
    I was wondering when 14th Street will be cleaned. I drove down it this morning and it is terrible!

  2. I havent seen a plow all day. Also Yesterday they were meant to pick up the garbidge mine was out but never got picked up today they are closed for a holiday ????? Monday they will also be closed for presidents day

  3. It appears my enemies are working overtime in trying to destroy my reputation.. They have the audacity to think that it is I who will be left out in the cold.. Ha!!!

  4. Keep up the good work DPW, those of us who travel and see what other towns have to deal with appreciate the LAKEWOOD DPW. Common sense is u guys are not equiped for this volume of snow and to by equipment based on this is a waste of $$$. So everyone take it slow and easy. It is God’s will. He reminds us all he is ever present.

  5. I couldn’t get my mail for 2 days because the mailman couldn’t get near the mail box. H ejust drove up the street and didn’t stop. Please plow, but, don’t plow me in!

  6. It’s abou time mister Franklin came and plowed out village park/Cabinfield cir. It’s terrible and has not been plowed since tue morning! I demand an investigation!

  7. after reading the past couple of days comments pro and con of lakewoods dpw i would just like to give my own thoughts. Since when do we have to keep on pumping up people who get huge salaries from our hard earned money and do at best a mediocore job. If any of us would do such a job where we work we would get fired. yesterday morning drove through howell and jackson. and you cant compare it to lakewood their main roads were clear as opposed to lakewood where it was a banket of snow. i think its time for change at the dpw

  8. And if you leave your car in the street it’s your job to clear it out. Maybe if people took care of their yards and their families we would not have the tax burden we do. Take responsibility for your self and your family. It’s not the burden of the taxpayer to care for you.

  9. Thanks to LPW for continuing to work through the night and holiday to get the job done. The majority of the Lakewood residents appreciate the effort. Others are happy to find something to complain about.

  10. anyone walkinf on shabbos [at night] should exercise common sense and wear reflectors. very few sidewalks are shoveled,therefore people will have to walk in the street. a responsible gesture would have this fact announced in the various shuls tonight. wishing everyone a safe,warm shabbos.

  11. In reply to those who said I have to clear my own mailbox -not if the street hasn’t been plowed and there are at least 4 feet of snow until my curb. That is NOT my job to dig out of. I did clear away until my mailbox and past the end of my driveway, but my street was never plowed at all, that’s why my mail man didn’t even attempt to deliver my mail.

  12. brookhill was visited by plow trucks and sanding/salting trucks several times in the past few days, actually. however, they were ineffective due to the fact they they only got to us after many cars had driven, compressed the snow down to a hard layer making it too hard for plows to lift sheets of ice to plow.
    secondly and more importantly, brookhill has disastrous parking, no parking regulations and narrow streets. plows can’t clean streets where cars park every which way blocking plows from getting down streets and plowing snow to the sides of the road.

    so while it’s true that brookhill roads are not clean, i’m not sure who is the shame the residents who park inefficiently or the fact that our plows have difficulty plowing compressed snow/ice that formulates when people drive on unplowed streets.

  13. Hey you cant please everybody.Privatize DPW????Check around and you going to see that the towns that privatize cant wait to go back to Dpw again.In the long run it cost more private than govertment,ask Keansburg.Whats next???Privatize LPD???Hatzollah???Oh i forgot thats private already

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