PHOTOS of this evening’s Jewish Heritage Night at the Blue Claws Stadium. Yussis Deli set up a stand to provide the Kosher food for the hundreds of Jewish attendants. (Carlos J.)
Jewish Heritage Night At The Blue Claws
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A Blue Claws game is a great family outing! Why didn’t you put this up earlier so i could have gone with my kids. Go Blue Claws!!!
The only genuine smile in this whole set was from the mascot.
Ok scoop we know yussi was there anyone else?
Y’see ? The stadium is not a waste !! They have a jewish heritage night & frei yidden will eat, hopefully, kosher food. That’s gotta be worth, um, $21,000,000, don’t u think ??!!!!
what was Jewish about it besides the food?
Wow! Such a kidush hashem.
23 million