Japan Pidyon Shvuyim: Letters To Bachur Still Imprisoned Would Be Great Chizuk

[Submitted by Japan Pidyon Shvuyim] The Askonim are asking Klal Yisroel to take a few minutes and write a letter of chizuk to Yaakov Yosef ben Raizel Grunwald in Japan. The letters should be typed and in Hebrew or Yiddish. They can be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected] or faxed to 718-534-0030.

“This would be a great chizuk to Yaakov Yosef”.

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  1. I really, really want to write a letter, but I don’t know how to type in yiddish or hebrew (and I don’t even know how to speak yiddish to boot!)

    Is there any way I can type it in English, and someone will translate it into hebrew for him?

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