Jackson Watchdog Group Questions MUA’s Intended Director Vote

Jackson’s MUA is set to vote tonight on a replacement to longtime MUA Director David Arpell.

The position of Director is a nearly $200,000 position which will be appointed by the 5 member Commissioner board.

Sources in the MUA have confirmed that one of the current Commissioners – Bill Allmann – has interviewed for the job, and is the front runner for the position.

“The idea that four colleagues of a current commissioner can vote for a colleague for this position is questionable and on face value wrong,” said members of a watchdog group within the Township. “The Jackson MUA has received nearly 20 resumes for the position of many qualified people, and the current commission has not even interviewed most of the applicants and instead are giving it to one of their own.”

The group added, “Additional conflict questions are being asked due to Mr. Allmann’s political connections to two of the voting MUA Commissioners. Both Clara Glory and Todd Porter have served directly on Political accounts with Mr. Allmann and seem to be conflicted on voting for Mr. Allmann.”

TLS has obtained the relevant documents below.

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