Jackson Township Council President Jennifer Kuhn is taking student safety seriously.
Last month, TLS reported that officials in Jackson met to discuss bus routes and students safety enhancements, and now officials are working to ensure the enhancements discussed are put into motion.
The Council President this week went around to various locations to distribute flyers to residents not in compliance with the rules.
“I spent the first two days of the 2024-2025 school year continuing my commitment from last year by visiting the bus stops of both public and private schools,” said Council President Jennifer Kuhn. (“This year, however, it was much less hectic.”)
“I distributed nearly 200 flyers to residents who were not in compliance with the township’s new ordinance 16-24, Chapter 103-6.2,” said Kuhn.
Fines will begin kicking in in about two weeks.
“My goal was to assist in educating our community and making sure residents understand that this ordinance carries a first offense fine of $250 and a second offense fine of $500,” said Kuhn.
The parents seem to be appreciating the efforts of the town.
”Hi Ms. Kuhn, I’m one of the moms you met at the Pointe Circle bus stop this morning. I just wanted to thank you for stopping by. We really appreciate your dedication to the safety of our children!”
Where do I apply for a resident parking permit?
You can apply on the township website or go to the Jackson Police Department
Hi, I’m a mom on Pointe Circle. Thank you so much for everything you do for our community! Our children’s safety is always our number one priority. The bus stop at the corner is undoubtedly unsafe. However, having parents park so far away and walk with their younger children to a busy street corner seems like an even more dangerous solution. Is there a possibility of shifting the focus to getting the buses to turn onto the block so that the children can board safely which would also provide a solution for the cars parked at the entrance? Until then, can we please wait in our cars at the corner so that our younger children can remain safely strapped into their car seats? Thank you!
Thank you I reported this issue to LSTA and they said they will be looking into all issues after the dust settles on 9/15
Hi, thank you for trying to help but this is actually even more dangerous for us parents to not be allowed to park near our kids bus stops and wait in the car with younger siblings! All of my neighborhood is very concerned about the difficulty this now poses as our bus stops are all at these very intersections that we are now told we cannot park near. Please help us out here. If you do not want traffic by the intersections then what should we do when our kids bus stops are only by the intersections instead of near our homes (which we would much prefer also)? Threatening heavy fines for parking within 100 feet of our kid’s bus stop seems extremely unreasonable and placing us parents with younger children in an impossible situation! Especially once we get into cold weather as well. Can we please work out a reasonable solution where we can be close enough to our kids bus stops to come get them when they arrive? Thank you