Jackson Township Officials Respond to Violent Attacks Against Jews in Lakewood and Jackson

Jackson Township officials this morning condemned the violent attacks on Orthodox and Jewish residents committed last Friday in both Jackson and Lakewood Townships.

“Hate has no home in our community – not today, not ever,” said Jackson Township Mayor Michael Reina. “Hate will not be tolerated here under any circumstance. And when violent crimes are committed against any resident or members of specific ethnic or religious groups, those who commit such crimes will be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We are shocked and saddened by the attacks that have impacted innocent members of the Orthodox and Jewish communities. Jackson is a diverse, inclusive and welcoming community. In good times and in bad, we will stand by our neighbors and we will work tirelessly to protect the rights and well-being of our fellow citizens.”

Jackson Township Council President Martin Flemming said: “When it comes to hate and violent crimes, let me be perfectly clear: Attacks like those that occurred last Friday are attacks on all of us. As friends, neighbors and elected officials, we will not tolerate such acts. We stand united with members of the Orthodox and Jewish communities. And we offer our support and prayers for the health and healing of the victims of these senseless crimes.”

Mayor Reina added: “We thank law enforcement for acting quickly to arrest a suspect in this matter, who has been charged with violent crimes allegedly committed in Lakewood and Jackson on Friday, including three counts of attempted murder, carjacking, weapons possession and three counts of bias intimidation,” Mayor Reina said. “While the investigation continues, our support and prayers go out to the victims and to their families.”

See also statement from Police Chief Matt Kunz on the attacks.

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  1. Up until 2019, Jackson Strong, who worked closely with the Mayor and city counsel, would frequently threaten us on our way to shul by swerving their cars into us. Yet the city had no problem working hand in hand with them to keep us out. One of their own zoning board members was caught saying that if we don’t get the hint, they’ll handle us like Germany did in the 1930’s.

    These are the people the mayor was working with, yet they act surprised when one of their members was crazy enough to actually take such talk literally.

    To be fair, Reina never wanted to physically harm us, he was just playing to whoever will reelect him. But If felt hate has no place in his community, why did he work so closely with hate groups who’s sole purpose was to keep out the “Hasidics” (as they call us).

  2. With the possibility of the Jackson Council appointing (Eleanor Hannum) a promoter of anything anti orthodox, Does Jackson really condemn this behavior or support it??
    If they condemn it, show it! And reject Hannum from any position.

  3. Actions speak louder than words. First let the Township stop hiring Anti-Semites and and then we will believe them when they condemn hate.

  4. Thank you to the Jackson Township officials.
    May the Almighty bless all of you and the rest of Jackson Township with lots of good health.

  5. I know many will initially be upset with this, but you have to take into good consideration that an injection which is totally unnecessary was given to many in Lakewood and Jackson (and Manchester) etc.
    As of March ’22, VAERS has over 1 million adverse rectio9ns reported, including over 23,000 deaths (about half from US, and half from the rest rets of the world) – which occurred immediately after injection – to people in normal heath. Also, according to all studies done on VAERS, it is a small fraction of the real numbers, as most cases don’t get reported. (but whatever does, can be trusted as true, as it takes a medical expert to file the report – you need to know much medical terms to do it, and it takes half an hour.)

  6. @moshe please tell me WHY if someone doesn’t agree with you or do as you say they are anti semitism? Please I’m trying to understand why EVERYONE is anti semetic… thankyou

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