Jackson Township Council President Jennifer Kuhn and Councilman Mordechai Burnstein will join with Mayor Reina and meet this week with officials from Ocean County regarding concerns over county roadways raised in the past few months by residents.
“The residents have brought their general concerns to our attention and we are bringing them to the county,” Council President Jennifer Kuhn said. “These are county roads and out of the jurisdiction of Jackson Township to perform the work or make the changes requested.”
Along with county officials, township officials will perform a full review and study of each issue brought to their attention.
“After we identify what can be fixed and how, we are hoping to work with the county to put together a realistic schedule on making the changes we’re requesting,” Mayor Reina said. “County officials have been very receptive to our needs in the past, as is evidenced by the new light on County Line Road and Brookwood Parkway and we thank them for giving us an opportunity to continue making sure the concerns of Jackson residents are heard by the county” Councilman Burnstein added.
When will Lakewood officials meet them?
Why? Thy aren’t roads in Lakewood.
Lakewood officials meet them to talk about Lakewood Roads! Lakewood Residents have major concerns too!
U missed the point
Thanks Mayor Reina :
Don’t forget about Cross and White!
The nightmare that lives on every day!