Jackson Mayor asks residents to again serve the community

The Jackson Mayor, along with the Township Council, are urging any resident who wants to offer their services to serve on an advisory Board or Commission to contact his office by phone, 732-928-1200 ext 1211 or email at [email protected], indicating their area of interest, background and reasons for wanting to serve.

You are also required to submit a Citizen Leadership Form which can be found on HERE. All requests for consideration should be received by December 15, 2017.

The following advisory boards and committees currently exist: Veterans Commission, Rent Leveling Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board, Economic Development Commission, Citizens Budget Advisory Committee, Private Residential Communities Advisory Board, Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board, Pathfinders, Environmental Commission, Historical Commission, and the Shade Tree Commission.

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  1. so for zoning I recommend Mrs Walker…as she has publicly applied in the past..planning board ..Mordy Burnstein…community spokesperson..Yossi Schwartz…

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