Jackson Cancels Council Meeting After New Clerk Identifies Error

The Jackson Township today canceled its meeting after the new clerk identified an error which meant they can not hold a meeting.

Township officials released the following statement to TLS.

“Today, our new clerk, Ms. Sandra Martin, identified an error made by our previous municipal clerk concerning the advertisement of the 2025 meeting schedule. Unfortunately, this oversight means we are not in compliance, and as a result, we must cancel tonight’s meeting.

To ensure that we stay on track, a special meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 30th. The Executive Session will begin at 6:00 PM, followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 PM.

We would like to extend our gratitude to Ms. Martin for her diligence in uncovering this error so promptly. We acknowledge the mistake and are committed to correcting it.

As always, the Council values transparency, and I wanted you to hear this directly from me. Thank you for your understanding.


Jennifer L. Kuhn, Council President

Mordechai Burnstein Council Vice President

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