J-Biz Expo Announces Special Program to Accommodate New and Transitioning Businesses

jbizJust two weeks to go until the massive J-Biz Expo and Business Conference, and the network has expanded significantly.

Following a series of negotiations, the Jewish Community Centers partnered with J-Biz organizers to help members of their respective communities.

Under the terms of this partnership, community businesses that are new, or in the transitioning stage, can enjoy a significant discount off the standard exhibition rates.

“Our goal is to help businesses at all levels stand alongside established, prestigious businesses and network with the broader business world,” explains Duvi Honig, founder and director of J-Biz. “I would like to thank the JCC for joining us in helping all entrepreneurs take advantage of this platform and see greater success than they ever dreamed of, b’ezras Hashem.”

Businesses in communities with a local JCC branch can contact the branch office to see if they qualify. Businesses or organizations in communities without a JCC branch who wish to take advantage of this special offer can contact J-Biz at [email protected].

J-Biz Expo and Business Conference will take place on June 1st at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center. For general information and reservation, visit www.jbizexpo.com.

[TLS – Press Release]

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