The President released the following message:
“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”
Just like that DJT folds like a deck of cards?
The game is not over. We shall soon see who is really holding a Royal Flush.
You want more? A royal flush? What does that mean, a coup? Don’t you have an ounce of respect for the American way?
Please, for the sake of posterity, for the survival of our institutions, do not hold out hope for him.
A Royal Flush is the highest winning hand at Poker. Look it up. Survival for what institutions? The corrupt and Godless Governors, Mayors, Congressmen, leaders of the DOJ, CIA, FBI, CISA, CDC, NSA, CNN AFL-CIO who has you by the Vagus? Don’t you CBS and the FOX playing Solitaire in their house of cards made in China. He’s been calling a Bluff when he had the Royal Flush the whole time. Winner takes all. The game is not over. The only thing of posterity in this universe is Hashem and His Torah. Hashem decides who wins and who loses. Know who deals the cards and you will become wise.
Thank God this crazy person is gone and a new era is beginning with a normal moral person.
if you are looking for morality you won’t find it on either side of the aisle in D.C. – do not have faith in man only in God.
Please G-d it will be a transition from his first term to his second term.
Right. In 2024, Biden will finish his first term and be voted into his second term.
Please note the gravity of what happened yesterday. The seat of government, the center of power, the Congress was attacked. This was not the Watts Riot or Portland but an act of insurrection against the government of the United States. Even had the Confederate Army after Bull Run marched into Washington in 1861, they would have not lifted a finger to defiled the sanctity of the grounds. What American is not awed when stepping into building?
The hallowed hall of Congress, that great Temple of Democracy, was desecrated.
How is it that a President of the United States would even think he could pressure Congress asking protesters to march to the Capitol? Not only were the hallowed halls of America violated, the chief executive, to whatever degree, was connected with this unprecedented affront to the nation.
The democrats not speaking out against all the riots which took place over a whole year is just as bad.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Loss of life, which we saw in the 1960s riots, and loss of property, are crimes. What we saw yesterday was an attack upon the sovereign legislature. Even though they carried the flag, it was treason nonetheless, just like Essex’s Rebellion in 1601.
Moreover, the insurrection was connected the the second most important part of the government, the executive. This was an affront to the constitution, to the American way and to the survival of the republic.
The ADL president pointed out all the Anti-Semitic groups represented in the crowd. It was a cross-section of people who want to overthrow the government and people who are against Black people and Jewish people.
Actually they did.
If you want to know what the left does and believes, a good idea would be to hear from them, instead of how the right quotes them.
He ought to grow a mustache. He would appear more manly, patriotic and less immature.
I find this all crazy situation look at what congress had done to Trump for the last 4 years. I believe BLM AND Antifa planned to hurt Trump badly. I am disappointed with the election result and yet no one is listening to trump. Why don’t the FBI AND DOJ do anything?! Now Trump protested the and Congress never condemned the White House attack and now the congress building got attacked shockingly!!! Terrible and why aren’t they apologizing to the president?? Now they’re hurting him??
Actually, the DOJ and the FBI did do something. They looked into the claims of fraud and found them baseless. It is actually quite simple.
Try the claim of dead people voting. There is no way of knowing who voted, that is secret information. The only thing they could know is if someone is on the voter rolls, if they are registered to vote. So the 4000 number they threw out, could only be registered voters. There is no reason to believe someone actually voted in their names.
And more, how does anyone know that they are dead? They compared names on the voter rolls to obituaries in the newspaper, ignoring the possibility that two people have the same name.
Essentially, they know that 4000 people with the same name as dead people were still on the voter rolls this year.
Where is the fraud? Every single fraud story is as ludicrous as this one, just look into it for a few minutes.
There are 14 days left for the truths to come out about the siege of the Capitol and the skeletons in the Congressional Closet. There is much alphabet intel to yet be released. This surely was an insurrection. The question by who remains a mystery to be solved.
There is one thing to support trumps policies there is another thing to defend every crazy and outrageous thing he does. Trump is a crazy sick person and I am surprised that we frum jews can defend him.
As much as we disagree with the democrat’s in policy. the bottom line is that Trump is a terrible person. maybe you can vote for him holding your nose, but to be so into a person like that is a chillul hashem.
Some Rabbis are lenient, some are harsh. Vote for someone else, go to a different shul (like in Venezuela). It’s a Mitzvah to do whatever it takes to do the right thing no matter what. Even stand up to the biggest Machers and Ganuvim. Sometimes it takes Gaavah and Gevurah to do a Mitzvah. No matter what you think, history will show he turned his back on evil and ran to do good. How easy it is to forget all his accomplishments for the USA and the world at large.
Hes not crazy, hes gevaldig
He’s not a terrible person at all. He is a good person. He is fighting the corrupt left. Don’t listen to people who say he a bad man. He is just not. Give it some time and you’ll see how the old way was. A lot worse. You probability didn’t follow closely by Obama.
He’s not a terrible person at all. He is a good person. He is fighting the corrupt left. Don’t listen to people who say he a bad man. He is just not. Give it some time and you’ll see how the old way was. A lot worse. You probability didn’t follow closely by Obama.
Fact is Trump has been the best president for Orthodox Jews. Those anti Trump trolls here are a group in f lefty radicals. There are good reasons why every rabbi Rav and rebbe endorsed Trump. The reform secular atheistic Jews hated him. We Orthodox Jews love him. Anyone who hates him is either an apikorus or a fool. For a whole summer looting and killing Was going on and no democRATs came out against it. What these patriotic American hero’s walked into the Congress of low life crooks was to fight for democracy. They are fed up. Dump the democRATs and RINOs.
“Patriotic American Heros”? Heshy, there were people wearing shirts that read “Camp Auschwitz “… Do you still stand behind and by the side of these true ” Patriotic American heros”? Do you know this?