Starting this week, you’ll no longer receive plastic bags while shopping in New Jersey, as the ban is set to go into effect.
Today, Target began offering these reusable bags – for $1.00
See more about the ban in last week’s report.
Also pictured, is a sign at the Dollar Tree in Lakewood.
Great for the globalists!
Manufacturers of plastic bags are being deprived of their livelihoods.
Shoplifting is less noticeable.
And, with receipts becoming optional, it will be too much of a hassle to show or even know that the merchandise being carried out of the store is stolen.
Businesses may have to charge more or even close.
It is not about saving the earth. It is about paving your way to slavery.
This is satire, right? Ridiculous comment.
This is beyond insane
Walmart in Brick is also finished with plastic bags
If I sign a waiver promising to use recycle the plastic bags for trash, can I be exempt? Thanks for doing this to us, Governor Pothead. You have a helicopter, a caravan of SUVs and your security detail can carry your groceries. Me? I have to take a bus.
I’ll just buy garbage bags with my order and take one or two out to filler up. Not normal sitch!
Protecting the environment? Really?
Many people reuse store bags as garbage bags, and now will buy those outright, made of the same plastic.
Reusable bags are unsanitary. Would anyone with common sense place bread, vegetables, or other fresh foods therein, after transporting raw chicken or fish, in the same bags?
That leaves a choice of thoroughly washing these reusables, wasting fresh water, and adding detergent or soap into the strained ecosystem. Eventually, the bags will tear and will end up in the same landfills, and they are not biodegradable, while paper bags are, and disposable plastic ones could be made as such.
Where, exactly, are the benefits?
If the government really cared about the environment, it would stop deliberate obsolescence which all manufacturers engage in, stopping tens of thousands of tons of products being dumped only because a tiny non-replaceable plastic part duly broke after two years. Refrigerators, washing machines, printers, exercise equipment, air-conditioners …. all those needlessly unusable implements which are left at the curbside every month.
So, who benefits? Only the loud-mouthed Green Dealers, who get more votes, after crying about some rare bird habitats.
I remember when Maine and Vermont were peaceful states. You could go there and enjoy peace and quiet with your family. Hawaii was the same, though a little expensive. Then they banned single use plastics and everything went downhill from there. Chaos in the streets, washing reusable bags triggered droughts, shoplifting arrests filled up the jails and sky high unemployment once the plastic bag companies had to make more sustainable bags. Come on folks, single use bags are not recyclable. I’m sorry that you will be so inconvenienced to have to, gasp, wash the new bags. Don’t you wash your dishes after you use them, wash your clothes after wearing them, your floor when it gets dirty?
That may be okay for some. As a family of 4 living in Lakewood, i probably do the equivalent of 2 shopping trips per week, netting 20 bags a week. These bags are then reused for trash, etc.
This law will make my life harder.
The same quality bag (except it’s solid blue) at Wal-Mart is $.50 not $1.00
These new Target bags are perfect for chasidische woman whom don’t drive as they are very loud, noticeable and safe to be seen while walking on the side of the road .
This what happens when Democrats are in power, more facistic laws banning every day items, all for the environmental wackos. Stop voting for the Democrats.
Whats Murphys address?
I need to know where I’m dumping all these dirty diapers
I’ll open a bulk pick up service for all those diapers and dump them on some government officials house lawn.
very good fertilizer
Didn’t the Vaad say we should vote for Murphy???
Please stop pushing the narrative.
Hopefully many stores will continue to have bags as it is in NYC in many stores, even though it was banned 2 years ago over there.
The less of a big deal you make, we will be fine.
@Yaakov, in NY they can still have bags as long as they charge you for them, here that is banned too, and in large grocery stores even paper bags are banned.
this is good for the environment but like in NYC they should have made a carve out for those on food stamps and on public assistance.
@david um why? does it affect the environment less? It isnt the governments job to ban every day items that are not harmeful in itself.
They also banned styrofoam