[COMMUNICATED] R’ Issamar Ginzberg will be addressing the Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce Small Business Alliance Meetup this Wednesday, December 27, 7:30 pm at Four Corners James Street. The Topic will be: Mastering the mental Google: Be the #1 result in your client’s brain
SBA Meetups gather local businesses and encourage networking with the presenters and other attendees.
To Register go to www.ojchamber.com/sba. Must Preregister.
“We are excited to bring this incredibly beneficial tool to small business owners and professionals in Lakewood and other communities as well,” says Duvi Honig, Founder and Director of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce. “The ability to network, in your own backyard, with business owners and experts who have a real understanding of local dynamics can pay dividends in every aspect of your business.”
Business owners and professionals are encouraged to join the Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce (at no cost) to be included in future networking events. Members receive a discounted price to OJC events.