PHOTO: Isaac Goldsmith Voted to Fill BOE Vacancy

isaac goldsmith voted inAs reported last night on our news alerts (@LakewoodScoop), the Board of Education on Wednesday evening voted in a new member, filling the seat vacated by Board President Menachem Friedman.

Lakewood resident Isaac Goldsmith, one of several applicants, was interviewed by the Board, and then voted in.

Goldsmith is a financial planner, and has approximately 12 years of experience in the financial planning field, a Board official told TLS.

Friedman resigned after moving out of the district. He had approximately one year left to his term.


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  1. Finally a professional with experience in Financial Planning!!!!

    Yitz is a great guy and will surely have great insight into balancing our budget. We could use more CPA/CFP’s in there and less MACHERs

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