Q: Is it proper for girls to be going to Seminary in Eretz Yisroel?
A: Now, I don’t want to take sides in this but I want to tell you that there are very good seminaries here in America. I don’t want to say that you can’t go but I know that right here in America excellent women have developed. Not only in yir’as shamayim, but in yedios as well. And they’re teachers today – prominent teachers who have gained all their knowledge in America.
And therefore I must say that America’s Torah institutions offer excellent opportunities not only for boys to become gedolei Torah – right here, right here in America – but girls as well can gain all the things they need right here in America.
TAPE # E-186
what year was this tape made? Perhaps the situation has changed. One needs to look at all the angles that are going on today. What was 30 years ago may or may not be relevant today. How about rav Miller ZTL’s view on smoking? would you list that here please
With all due respect to R. Miller Zt”l, he has been gone for many years. While what he said was true at the time and for all we know remains true, I feel there are other things to consider.
We live in a time today where there are many more things that detract from a spiritual lifestyle than exists just 10 years ago. A proper year in Eretz Yisroel provides a counterbalance to that that is very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve in Chutz La’Aretz.
Seminary is very expensive, but for those who can afford it or can somehow get assistance, the rewards it offers are invaluable.
The dangers are also much greater today then 10 years ago. It sounds like he also saying no need for boys to go.
The Torah world in America has developed a lot more in the past 30 years tou even have Torah Cities like Lakewood with Thousands of Families and 100s of Mosdos Hachinuch all the more reason for Seminary girls to stay in America and be educated in America it is Safer for Girls to stay closer to home and It costs a fraction of the price to Go to Seminary in America
Please respect the Holy Rav Miller. Keep your opinions to yourself or discuss them with your Rav. You have no business leaking your mind through your mouth in a public forum. Offensive. Let people make their own decisions. As Rabbi Tatz rightfully states, “What does it have to do with you?”. Mind your own bizyonus.
What R’ Miller said then is even more true today- there are more dangers in EY today and more excellent choices in America today