The intersection of 14th Street and Forest Avenue – the site of dozens of accidents – will finally be getting a Traffic Signal. The Township Committee on Thursday evening passed a resolution approving the fixture, which is set to be installed in the coming months.
[UPDATED] It will cost between $100-$150,000 according to a Township official. The engineering will cost $18,845.
Currently, the intersection has a blinking red light, which is designed to slow traffic and allow for pedestrians to cross.
The only other light along the road – which stretches from Kennedy Boulevard to North Lake Drive, is at the 9th Street intersection. That light was installed following a fatal accident.
As a person who lives on the block THANK YOU! ABOUT TIME!
Why is this light only going to cost $18,845 dollars and yet the traffic light at Pine and MLK was going to cost $120,000?
If a traffic light costs 19K then the twshp is wasting r money on a crossing guard by MLK&Pine-it would pay itself off in less than a year!!!
When I moved to 14th st. over 30 years ago, my then 6 year old son was able to cross that street by himself because there was just about no traffic and it was safe enough for him to walk to school (in the Legion) by himself. I still think Pine St. and Martin Luther King Dr. needs a light far more than 14th and Forest.
finally after 2O years.
Now we need one on 7th or 6th
The $19k figure is plain wrong. The average cost to install a traffic signal is 80-120,000
if it saves one life it’s worth all the money.
what about clifton and ninth easily the most dangerous intersection in Lakewood
whats the difference between a traffic signal and a traffic light?
yeah clifton and ninth is a nightmare, thousands of pedestrians and hundreds of cars in a rush three times a day
You guys all missed the boat. $18k is only for the engineering!!! After spending $18k on engineering ats ANOTHER $100k for the light!
Yay! finally. ok now next can you guys please think about working on putting a light by the intersection of mlk and pine. that place needs serious attention and i think a traffic light would be a huge help since i’m often in that area. thank you.
probably its cheaper by 14th and forest bec. there is already a light there (blinking light) and they just have to switch it to a traffic light
I like the blinking light.
Most accidents happen because people are in a hurry or on their cell phones. People just have to slow down and drive more carefully. I drive through the intersection of 14th and Forest all the time and I don’t think it’s as bad as some other intersections. Yes, 9th and Clifton is far worse because it’s hard to see cars coming down Clifton with all the cars parked there.
May I ask WHY a traffic signal cost over 100k to install? Maybe let one of the local electric companies do it! Why does everything done by government have to cost a crazy amount?
way to expensive
Why do we need Engineering? Put up the light and save the $18K. We know we need it just do it!!!!
Its great, but the light should go back to blinking after school or kollel hours after approx 8pm it should blink
Tefilass ha’shlah today. Why no article about it?
To everyone crying for a light at mlk & pine. If you would think it through a little bit and not rush to a conclusion of “it takes so long to cross we must get a light” you would understand that a light over there would be a disaster for pine st because of the proximity to rt 9. A disaster to pine st helps no one in that area. The only solution to pine and mlk would be to open vine ave and Arlington to create alternate routes. I believe both are in the works so everyone calm down and stop saying dumb things.
Welcome to Brooklyn. Traffic signals every 2 blocks. Yay!!!!
i am finally happy to see people listening to me
i hope you put more of me up around town
ty mayor ackerman for your hard work on this and the vine st project
tefilas hashlah is erev Rosh chodesh Sivan, not Nissan
The township must have thought it through but y do we need a traffic light by 14th and forest it’s not as busy as some other streets in lkwd so y not use the money towards another area that needs it more
Everyone may not remember when 14th Street was the through street and Forest Avenue had stop signs at both corners. Talk about accidents? They should have put a light up at this corner 50 years ago!!