‘Internet Asifa’ Organized For American Bachurim Learning In Israel

American Bachurim Learning in Eretz Yisroel will also have a chance to attend an ‘Internet Asifa’, TLS has learned. The Asifa, Facing the Challenges of Modern Technology’ will feature all-English speakers.

Addressing the Asifa, will be R’ Yitzchok Berkovitz, R Yaakov Hillel and R’ Yosef Elefant.

The event will take place next Sunday, June 17, at the Bais Yisroel Hall, 16 Ezras Torah, at 8:45PM. For more information, you can call 02-653-6007.

A live hookup for women will also be available. TLS/Vrumie M.

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  1. what sane adult would send twenty year old boys of for a two year unsupervised unstructured vacation anyway. Internet is only a fraction of the hefkeirus that goes on. . Trust me, i was in a “top” yeshiva. I could shock you parents with stories. .

  2. It’s not hard to guess that you were most probably thrown out of that “top” yeshiva head first, otherwise why would you speak ill about so many thousands of bochurim that have spent the best years of their lives learning in the best yeshivos in EY and have gone on to become such fine bnei Torah that klal yisroel is proud of. What nerve?? Rabossai here is an example of someone who clearly didn’t “make it” in yeshiva and then spends the rest of his life condemning all that yeshivs stands for. How sad and how pathetic!!

  3. My best years were spent in the great Yeshivas Mir Hakedosha. Many thousands learning without the cell phone/internet distractions. Yes, there will always be yechidim who do not conform.

  4. fact is most guys have a major yerida in israel. It is during these years that many boys forget how to daven with a minyan etc. Not to mention the LARGE percentage that find themselvs in bars on ben yehuda or eilat . . There is absolutly nothing to be gained by the EY experiance and everyting to lose. Its high time a modern day rav aharon established mosdos hatora and yeshivos in america for the age group. Who can afford the mishigas anyway?

  5. and dont give me the “see real yidden” mantra. Im sure that aurgument wouldnt fly by rav chaim voloziner. besides, real yidden are sitting in botei medrash all over america. a yeshiva bochur belongs in the teiva of a beis medrash and a dorm, not gaining independance half way across the world. loi zu haderech!

  6. Boruch hashem that I went to eretz yisrael and to ihr hakodesh yerushalayim, where I discovered television and internet. My friends introduced me to tv, and from there it went to internet cafes and other goodies. When I cam back to america, I was a very choshuve bochur so I got the best shiduch. Ha – little did anyone know. So now I’m stuck living a fake life. My real life was lived in eretz yisroel and the kdusha and the independence and the internet etc.

    So all you people continue to bury your head in the sand. Take it from a very choshive bochur and choshive yungeman. Majority of bochrum go downhill – alot!!!!!!

  7. Boy, I didn’t read on all your “resumes” that you were all phonies and liars and sneaks! What happened to all the “real” learners? And don’t tell me they all stay in America…Eretz Yisroel is the holiest place! Why are you shmutzing up your life? Grow up, you can live without that stuff at least while you are there.

  8. From these comments it makes all aware of the fact that an asifa will be pointless. The “real” bnei Torah don’t need it- as for the fakes…. What ever for?

    I learned for a few years in a smaller- not the best yeshiva. But i and the rest of the oilom really learned. We did not waste our time or get caught up in less then holy endeavors.

  9. Oh please, The single post sem girls can do with thir own internet asifa. Many of the best girls from the best seminaries who want LONG term learner are rotten to the core from the extensive movie watching and full time exposure to the big world at their full time jobs in the coperate world. The kolel husband has to deal with them. +

  10. I only gained in the many years I was in EY. There were those who did and those who didn’t. Do your research when in shiduchim, usually the truth comes out. I know MANY boys who gained so much and would never have gained like that in America close to home. Remember we have bechira to choose good or bad. Hatzlacha!

  11. To the girl in shiduchim:

    Give it up. You will not marry a “holy” bochur who will stay in learning his entire life and become the godol hador. No matter what they taught you in seminary, and no matter what the resumes say.

    And especially considering the fact that you will have internet in your home (as evidenced by the fact that you’re on the internet), there is no way that your husband will not see shmutz in YOUR “heilige” home.

    So smell the coffee, and daven to Hashem that you should marry a caring loving husband who will take care of you and your children, and will hopefully keep the halachos of shulchan oruch.

  12. i never made a siyum in my life until i came to “isreal” and today i happened to have just made my second siyum since i came. so whoever says u cant grow here obviously just never put his mind to it i will im”h go to this asifa and try to gain from wat i get out of it
    hatzlocha to all

  13. keep in mind that most of those bachurim in EY wont post here (they are busy learning or dont havre internet) so you aren’t getting a real picture from just a few posters that weren’t matzliach there

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