Incident With Township Inspector Taken Very Seriously, Officials Say

The incident involving a Township Inspector and a school bus earlier this week, is under investigation by Township Officials, TLS has learned. “We are taking this incident very seriously”, a Township Official who asked to remain anonymous, says. The Official says they have also received much support from other schools backing the bus driver who they say was looking out for the safety of the children.

Officials have since received many other complaints against the individual, the Official says.

Other – unrelated – incident with the same Inspector, are also now being investigated, sources say.

The Inspector is being accused of obstructing the roadway with a Township vehicle and endangering the children on the bus when he pulled his vehicle head-on to the bus while it was dropping off students. TLS-CCP.

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  1. Inspectors, in general, by the nature of their job, are not known for their humility.

    The power that are vested in them for approvals should be limited to just that. Not policework.

    Justice should be executed to the fullest extent of the law.

    No matter where it falls.

  2. Can we get details of the other incidents ? This inspector is KNOWN to ABUSE his power with various threats!! He should be fired ……

  3. Inspecters in this town are nice considerate helpful and usally easy to work with from someone who uses the dept daily we really appriciate how polite and professional they are Recently there have been 2 new inspecters added that are real “mentch”
    the front desk and zoning are a pleasure to deal with

    yes this one person is a rotten apple ………………….

    and please have inspecter steve a true mentch and friend in mind for a speedy recovry may g-d bless him

  4. Traffic enforcement is the LPD’s job NOT a buiding inspector’s job.
    This guy overstepped his boundaries. He should be charged with obstructing traffic; endangering the welfare of children; and, misuse of a township vehicle. He deserves to be fired.

  5. As for obstructing traffic and placing children in danger, he should be punished, but that has nothing to do with his job as an Inspector.

    As for misusing a township vehicle, does one get fired for that?

    If he is abusive in general, that is probably ground for dismissal.

  6. As my post from yesterday, on the first part of this story wasn’t posted, figure i’ll try again, there are always two sides to every story. That being said the inspector should only be held accountable for this incident this time. Any other infractions are seperate and should be investigated as to their merit on an individual basis…hope this gets posted this time, thanks.

  7. The school bus crossed the center line of the roadway and stopped to let off kids. The bus driver should not have crossed the centerline of the road – violation 1. The bus driver is supposed to let off kids at the curb line, not in the middle the roadway – violation 2. The bus driver was blocking the inspector from driving by crossing the centerline and stopping – violation 3.

  8. Still waiting to hear wheter the bus driver was correct in doing what he did. I know its wrong what the inspector did but did the bus driver operate the bus in a safe and legal manner according to the rules and laws he needs to operate by. I find it hard to believe that the law allows bus drivers to stop on an angle to load and unload students.

  9. how wlong will the township investigatw this “incident”. had he not been a township employee he would have been arrested. The double standard has to stop now. no one is above the law including all township employees and officials.

  10. The main problem is as previous commenters pointed out; had it been an ordinary citizen that blocked off Monmouth Ave while smoking a cigarette, cops would’ve reacted differently.

    I strongly support LPD but township employees shouln not get any preferential treatment over residents.

  11. i think the township feels intimidated by the threat of a lawsuit hence its response that its taking the incident seriously if in fact it was taking this seriously the inspecter should be suspended w/o pay until the township completes its investigation
    if it would be any one else doing what this inspector is accused of they wouldove long ago been charged
    this inspector isnt fit to work at his current position if he overstepped his authority and position and he was on the job yet too that alone is grounds for dismissal and the town should also be named in the lawsuit as he was supposedly doing this for the town which he had no right doing
    every (moderated) has his day and i think this is his day !
    being its erev yom kippur let us remember no deed goes unpaid whether good or bad
    its time this person pays the price for his over zealousness in trying to uphold the law

  12. Dear Editor- Please keep us all updated on the outcome It seems like a lot is missing from the story and I for one would like to know what really happened- and not just by reading people badmouthing the inspector for whatever interactions they may or may not have had with him

  13. Stop correcting spelling already you know people dont spell like that they miss a stroke of a key . If thats all you have to contribute here please keep it to yourself

  14. The facts are that the inspector had no right tob block the road or enter the school bus. Instead he should have called police. He should not be fired but suspended for 30 days with out pay.

  15. I still say if another kid would have gotten off the bus the inspector could have hit him while he was trying to cops! And I think lakewood is looking for cops so I think its time for him to switch over.

  16. He should be dealt with as if he was an ordinary person holding the bus hostage for 20 minutes. I would guess an ordinary person would have been taken away in handcuffs.

  17. Just for the record the inspectors in this town go above and beyond for us contractors and homeowners.from mike to peachy and the rest of you guys,are always there for us thank you and keep it up

  18. WOW so much to say about a situation tht u were not there for, yes fact count, lets talk about the way other people drive as thou they r driving a bus and we never see s cop on a Friday giving out tickets during the mad rush to go home. wht about over the line driving, not stopping at the stop sign or better yet no yeilding, just keep it rolling. You wanta talk about breakin the laws don’t ride so high tht you can’t see below. No-one is exempt from being above the law it’s a matter of time when justice will catch up with you. And did we not have a holiday to forgive and throw the bread upon the water. We must not be so hostile towards each other. I do hope this gets posted now u guys have a great day

  19. The inspector stopped for the school bus in his driving lane when the yellow lights came on. The school bus crossed the center line and stopped in front of the inspectors truck in his lane. They were at least 2 cars apart. The inspectors truck did not move while kids were crossing the street. The inspector never got out of his truck that I saw. He only waited for the bus to get out of his way until he moved forward.

  20. this town does what it wants when it wants to justife the means. as per the bus driver we are not the worst drivers, we do the best that we can. This town is over populated, roads are to narrow and people park where there feel like. we try to get kids home safetly, but it hard when people are running our red flashing lights, blowing their horns at us for taking too long loading children at stops ,pass us at railroads crossing because we have too stop. if people learn the rules of the road, we are transporting precious cargo here and one of those children might be YOURS .

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