11:50 A.M. Chris Christie has just walked on to the podium at the War Memorial, where Chris Christie will become New Jersey’s 55th governor and the first Republican governor in eight years. The program is now beginning. We will continue to keep you updated.
12:01 p.m. Chris Christie has just been sworn in as Governor of the State of New Jersey!!!!!!!
12:07 p.m. Christie has now begun his speech. “To the people of New Jersey I say this, you voted for change, and today, change has arrived”
12:28 p.m. “One person can make a difference”. “I will make a difference”. “I did not come here for failure, I came here for success”.
12:32 p.m.“I ask not only for G-d’s help, but for your help. G-d bless all New Jersyans and G-d bless the United States Of America”. Thank you.
12:54 p.m. Event has ended. Read full text of speech here.
Chris Christie and Kim Guadagno are sworn in |
he was sworn in by stewart rabner a jewish frum person who is the state supreme court chief justice he has been to lakewood a few times
“Chris Christie has just walked on to the podium at the War Memorial War”
What a silly reason for a war!
Change, change, change. Enough with the change. You want to bring some real change? Please keep your promise to stop those in our state from holding dual elected offices. They are abusing the system, and shafting their constituents. Please Governer Christie, if any of your guys read this blog, keep your promise, and save us.
Schmuckler and Corzine would have had Route 9 widened by now
the lac is one of the most powerful political forces to come on to the lakewood scene in years right? .how could they widen rte 9, if they couldnt even get their own condos plowed?
they are not politicians they are just kvetchy condo owners.
governer, ur tie is crooked! besides for that, good luck!! (most) lakewood people are happy you won.
Can anyone out there please explain the function of the Lieutenant Governor and how the salary of said position and staff, transportation, etc. is justified.
To # 5, U obviously don’t undertand, LAC has the community at best interest, not themselves.