Important News – PPP Funding is Available – Sign up today!

[COMMUNICATED] The government has recently announced that due to the ongoing financial strain on businesses, there will be an additional round of PPP funding made available.


The government has recently announced that due to the ongoing financial strain on businesses, there will be an additional round of PPP funding made available.

While information is still limited as to exact details of this round of funding, Eastern Union is in touch with leading providers to stay on top of the information so that we can make it available to you as soon as it becomes available.

With the grace of God, during the last round of PPP, Eastern Union was able to help 10,000+ small businesses and companies throughout the country get the assistance they needed.

In order to make sure you are the first to know any updates, please kindly fill out the short form at so that we can prioritize your access.

Thank you,



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