After the successful release of his 3-D tour of the Bais Hamikdash DVD, R’ Chaim Shmuel Friedman has released an illustrated book, Avodas Yom Hakipurim. The colored book released just days ago, presents a visual and clear understanding of the Avodah done in the Bais Hamikdash, on the holiest of days, Yom Kippor.
The book will familiarize readers and give a strong foundation of the various services through vivid colored illustrations and charts, derived from the Machzor of Yom Kippor.
The book is now available in all Judaica stores.
If Reb Chaim Shmiel made it must be good. Gmat Chasima Tova
I bought one and it is amazing. Will surely enhance my yomtov davening.
I also got the Sefer, it’s a true masterpiece. I always knew the avodas Y”K but seeing where and how everything happened makes it much more real, and gives it a whole new taam. I’m looking forward to using it on Y”K.
NOT SHAYICH!!!!! UNBELEIVEABLE!!! It is truly a household need!!
Get it! Its unreal!!!!!
Used it on yom tov and really had a whole new experience during the avodah. Thank you for this masterpiece.