I would like to share with my readers an inspirational true story.
By the time Yaakov* was 17 years old, he had gone through 4 Yeshivos and had just been expelled from his 5th one. Despondency set in, and his resentment grew towards Judaism and all its representatives. He finally decided that Yiddishkeit was not going to be a part of his life anymore. His parents were at a loss what to do next.
Yaakov’s father was all too familiar with stories of kids like his, who strayed far from home, sometimes never to return. He contemplated his son’s experiences throughout his Yeshiva life. He had been repeatedly told that, whilst Yaakov was street smart, he appeared “academically” challenged. His once sweet and naive child, had turned rebellious and moody. Now tagged on to his label was ADHD. Taking him to various professionals provided minimal relief and he was now falling helplessly through the cracks. With new resolve, Yaakov’s father was determined to find a way to help save his son from the streets.
After consulting a seemingly endless array of educators, he stumbled upon a learning program which took a unique approach. Pleading with Yaakov to give it one more try, he took him for an evaluation. The results surprised him. Yaakov did not have a low IQ. He did not have ADHD. He was not academically challenged. What had been holding Yaakov back was simply that he could not identify half the Hebrew letters and Nekudos, and he had been reading by memorization.
Given new hope, Yaakov stayed home and studied with the rebbe online for the year, helping him improve his Hebrew reading and learning. With renewed energy, at the end of the year, he received his high school diploma. He now had amassed enough confidence to face Yeshiva life once more, and journeyed on to yeshiva in Eretz Yisroel. His accomplishments grew and he finished the whole Shisha Sidrei Mishnah in 2 years. 5 years later he finished the whole Tanach and during the Covid 19 virus, opened up a yeshiva at home. His goal is to open up a school to teach this methodology, hoping to save others like him.
Boruch Hashem, this story has a happy ending, but unfortunately, many children struggle aimlessly throughout their school life, and end up lost to Yiddishkeit and their families forever. They don’t get the second chance they deserve.
It makes no difference what age or level of learning the person is at. One can still achieve greatness in Torah. Don’t give up! It is a test from Hashem who only wants to bestow goodness to us and one CAN overcome it. Hashem lead’s one in that direction, as we learn from the Gemara in Makkos 10b:
בדרך שאדם רוצה לילך בה מוליכין אותו In the way a man desires to go in that way they lead him.
Elsewhere, we learn in Gemara Yoma 38b:39a:
בא לטמא פותחין לו בא לטהר מסייעין אותו
If one comes to impurify, they open before him the opportunity to exercise his free will and do as he pleases. If one comes to purify, they assist him.
Renewing our dedication to the chinuch of our children, and when things seem very dark,search for that drop of oil that can still be lit. It will surprise you with how long it can keep burning!
A Freilichen Chanukah!
Reserve your copy of Rabbi Abenson’s new Sefer coming out soon HERE. Rabbi Dovid Abenson can be contacted at: Tel. 15147393629 Cell/Whatsapp 15149935300
Email: [email protected] Rabbi Abenson is the founder and director of ShaarHatalmud, a unique yeshivah-based online program, which incorporates learning all Kodesh subjects, from Kriah up to learning Gemara, Rishonim, and Shulchan Aruch. He also conducts evaluations, remediation, and training, and consults with Roshei HaYeshiva and Menahelim to improve students’ underdeveloped learning and textual skills.
Such a beautiful story. Rabbi abenson please keep up the great service you are doing for the Klal.