Each day, many readers send in questions for the Mayor via our Ask The Mayor column, and a large percentage of those questions pertain to traffic lights, congested intersections and other road issues.
If you could change or enhance one road or intersection in Lakewood, which one would you say tops the list?
9xcentral all 4 directions need help
Vermont and Route 70- a pedestrian bridge for the safety of all, especially children!!!
Extend the lights on Hope chapel it’s easy as it gets . O and please please change back laurelwood and county line road 🙏 (maybe make it a no left turn on both sides there to answer all the accidents as there had still been accidents after the change .)
Hands down, MAKE ROUTE 9 TWO LANES! Route nine is one of the main arteries of Lakewood, and that artery is 95% clogged, it is killing Lakewood! Time for our elected officials to play hardball with the state and withhold our taxes until they start taking this project seriously.
ABSOLUTELY _WIDEN ROUTE 9. We are past the point of 2 lanes. It needs three lanes in each direction plus turning lanes.
I read a report from the state that said Lakewood allowed too many setback variances along rt 9 very close to the states right of way . The state said they are not going to buy all the land they need when Lakewood officials caused the problem.
I’ve said this years ago. If you look ar the construction on Rt. 9, it’s obvious that Lakewood Township is fool I no everybody when they say that they’re pleading with state officials to widen route 9.
They approve construction right up to the roadway, how can you expect the state to widen the road.
simply no longer possible due to the laws of physics. The store and housing development along most of the route means there is simply no space in which to add the additional lanes
block off caranetta and central
This!! Definitely!
No!! It’s a great shortcut when central gets clogged 😂
As a resident of Caranetta Dr. I can tell you that drivers would still turn on to Caranetta as an alternate to Central Ave. They would just get on to Central at an earlier intersection. The residents of Caranetta also need access to Central Ave.
Good luck. The “DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION” sign on Central at Caranetta is ignored.
A right turning lane from Cedarbridge to clover. The land there is already cleared. Would take about 12 hours to get done and could alleviate a ton of traffic.
Remove the no turn on red from Clifton making a right on to Main Street.
Remove the no turn on red from Madison making a right on to Main Street.
There are a lot of people walking on that corner, you want to make that another corner an accident waiting to happen?
Make a sidewalk along with the turning lane. Not a big deal.
You missed my point,
there all ready is a sidewalk, the point is if you put let cars turn right whole people who get a green are trying to cross you end up with an accident waiting to happen corner.
Unless there is a green light only for pedestrians and no cars can turn or cross then, putting a right turn on red there is a very bad idea.
I’m really appreciative of everything that everyone has done, what the mayor is done so far, and all of the improvements that have been going into Lakewood roads. Having said that, I think that we should turn all the shoulders into hybrid lanes. What that means is that it functions both as a road, or as a shoulder.
During normal operation, there should be no shoulder at all, and the shoulder should be a right lane.
And then if there’s an emergency, the right lane should become a shoulder.
It’s the same thing like route 9 has near Freehold – where the shoulder becomes a bus lane.
Thank you!
Very wise idea! I agree!
Clover st. And rt. 88 needs turning lanes and turning lights.
100%!!! all that has to happen is making parking illegal along the whole stretch, and turn the shoulders into additional lanes.
There is also plenty of county land that can be used to widen Clover.
Squankum and Kennedy!
There needs to be a no turn on red sign on by the right turning lane on Kennedy.
Everyone turns on red and then the people going straight from Squankum can’t go because the lane is too backed up and then everyone ends up in the box and then the people who want to turn left can’t go because the cars are blocking the box.
It’s a big mess all the time
Yes, I completely agree!
Pine and 9
If you try to make a left u can’t even see the light anymore to know when to turn!
Thank you for all you do we know how much you are trying and working it all out for us!
crossing over rt 9 from hurley onto central there is a hard merge for all cars in the right lane (that are not turning onto south lake) I have had many near accidents there
2 lanes at Cross and James. 1 for turning.
Central ave heading toward the 9.
Needs to change.
Traffic can be a half hour for no reason.
Ideas to fix it
1) The last block on Caranetta should be a one-way heading away from Central. As every day there are hundreds of cars using it as a shortcut to 100s of near accidents every single day.
2) The last few blocks on Central, should have a solid white line without being able to cut from lane to lane. This would organize the traffic and save countless amount of time.
3) Get rid of the shoulder and add a second lane, which would be used As a straight lane instead of hundreds of cars cutting in from the left lane or riding the shoulder every single day. Currently, there is only a left turning lane with the last Half a block becoming a straight lane, which is nowhere near enough for the hundreds of cars that goes straight.
Cedar ridge New Hampshire
And all of the above pls!
9 and broadway by evergreen
If I could change any road in lakewood, it would be to put a left turn signal at the intersection of oak st and new hampshire.
Not any specific road, though there are many that need fixing, but enforce the traffic laws about blocking the box. This is probably the worst traffic problem in Lakewood. I watch traffic with the green light blocked on a daily basis behind my house because people force themselves into the intersection even after the light turns red, double stacking so that ALL traffic comes to a stop.
County Line and Ridge
pave and widen Marys lane
Carenetta x central
white road and cross street
just yesterday there was a bad 3 way accident
1) CROSS street from lkwd new egypt until Prospect Must have another lane added! this is crucial. and there is plenty of land to do this.
2) JAMES street from Williams until Ave of the States must also have another lane added!!
3) HOPE chapel needs another lane added from NorthLake Dr until County Line!
Also, Eliminate green turning arrows and shorten green lights for Miller, South Lake, North Lake and 14th St
4)James and Cross intersection needs help. we need a turning lane for those turning left onto James. the whole intersection needs help.
5)Pine St and the 9 intersection also needs major help in all directions!
6)Kennedy and Squankum and County Line and Squankum intersections need major help.
there is chaos every day by these two intersections that affect each other
7) widen Kennedy BLVD to TWO lanes so we can have flowing traffic! there is more than enough room on both sides to add a lane and to still have a shoulder on one side.
instead right now we just have trucks and busses parked blocking cars to use the shoulder .
Chestnut and New Hampshire. Sakanas nefashos!
Prospect and Cross
Make left turning lane onto Cross from Faraday
It would be to make route 9 multiple lanes throughout the whole town but due to our wonderful officials that will never happen. Because they allowed so much building so close to route 9 the state will never make it multiple lanes.
Gotta fix the turning lane to James from cross street every left turning car blocked 10 min of traffic easy easy fix!!!
Gottta fix cross street and James every left turning car blocks ten min of traffic for no reason
Pine and Rt 9 needs a turning arrow in all directions.
Clover and Rt 88 needs a turning lane and turning arrow in all directions ASAP
Thank you
Washington and Pine st needs a light so that people can make a left onto Pine st. You can’t make a left turn from vine onto pine st so easily either. so where do you put up the light?
I suppose Washington, as there are many more cars their that are trying to make that left and by slowing down pine and Washington with a traffic light perhaps people will be able to make the left from vinest onto pine more easily.
I also think there should be a shoulder pass road by pine and vine like the other side (by pine and Washington) of the road so people don’t get held up from cars turning left onto Vine from Pine st.
Vine and pine should have a right turning lane so that cars turning left don’t hold everybody up.
I hope some of these suggestions can be implemented.
Thank you
if anyone who can actually help reads this route 88 and clover
Kennedy & squankum disaster
9 needs to be an elevated express highway with exits every mile. also need to make left turns onto the 9 without a light a felony. not joking.
If Rt 9 cannot be expanded to 2 lanes then a highway should be built that goes from North of Lakewood Route 9 around the Lakewood area and back to Route 9 on the south side of Lakewood so that Lakewood will at least avoid traffic passing through and the cars passing through can circumvent Lakewoods traffic.
The corner of oak street and Vine has a terrible traffic light when coming from oak and vine development. You can wait 10–15 for the light in the morning, but opposing traffic never waits.
years ago I called up the town to ask why did you approve of putting housing right on the street and making the street more narrow after Oak street.
The answer, the neighborhood does not need a wider street.
Cross and James ! Instead of fixing up the other side of cross focus on the real problem make 2 lanes from central to James so people can turn onto James without making everyone wait , backup problem solved .
We need more through-streets built!
Opening Vine has already made a huge difference.
2. REMOVE THE 2 NEW LIGHTS ON CHESTNUT!!! I’m so happy u guys got ur act together but we hate it you did a terrible job!
All traffic lights and stop signs should be removed and let it figure itself out.
Intersection of east 4th Ridge and park. Currently it’s a 4 way stop and there is always a guessing game of who is supposed to go next and what direction are they gonna travel. Waiting for the car to clear the intersection takes up a lot of time and the traffic on all sides is building up.
My suggestion is to put in place a roundabout. There is plenty of space and will definitely help drivers navigate.
The intersection of decency and integrity. This
County Line and Squankum needs a designated light for crossing pedestrians!! Too many accidents and many many near misses have already happened at that intersection- what are we waiting for??
Get rid of the many ”no turn on red” signs around town at intersections that dont really need them. 4th and Monmouth is one example. Post more examples below!
We need a beautiful bridge for both cars and pedestrians over the lake from Lakewood Avenue to Sunset which can alleviate Central Avenue and Rt 9 traffic. It is not that large a span and I think can be constructed without even touching the lake or disturbing animal life.
Where there’s a will there’s a way and certainly would help the situation immensely.
We need a real bus system that people can take
That’s reliable, dependable, and comes a lot and goes everywhere.