ICYMI: Hilarious video message for Lakewood women from Out To Lunch employee

(Initially posted on our Instagram page.)

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  1. (moderated) women who have nothing better to do than go out for lunch every day (or to any other eatery for that matter).

    A woman who has never been to.any eateries in town!!

  2. Hilarious? Not so.. ok maybe the first half but not the message of giving an employee decent respect while placing an order. Blatant chilul Hashem. (I’m more disturbed that the first few commenters seem to miss the boat too.)

  3. To Bd:
    Many of these women work in the area, and are grabbing lunch downstairs or across the street during work. They don’t necessarily all have “nothing better to do than go out for luck every day.” It’s just their convenient store.

  4. My grandparents had a bagel shop in bklyn, and always found it hilarious when ppl asked if the bagels were fresh…right after pesach! It’s in our genetics I guess

  5. Reminds me of the fish store on 86 and Amsterdam Avenue (50 years ago), with live fish swimming in the window pool, and an older person always asking:” Is that the freshest you have?”

  6. Regarding people talking on the phone, he is 100% correct. I used to work in a local pizza store and if anybody was on the phone I would skip them and go to the next person, when they questioned me why I skiped them, I simply told him when your finished having your conversation with somebody else you can’t have a conversation with me. It is extremely disrespectful to talk on the phone while ordering. Plus it’s a huge chillul Hashem

  7. I don’t eat out, take out etc. If I can make it myself it is probably healthier and definitely cheaper. I am amazed at all the eateries here in Lakewood. I have been here since there was only R & S and I was astounded years ago when Bagel Nosh first opened. I wondered at that time why Lakewood needed such a place. (Then there were a lot less working people and most were in Kollel I think.) Anyway, I always packed my husband’s lunches and breakfasts. He wouldn’t eat out either, we couldn’t afford it and it’s definitely healthier to make it yourself.

  8. Im not going to mention which take out im refering to, but the mexican gentlemen always answers me honestly if i ask if its fresh. Granted hes hesitant when his bosses are around but otherwise he is straight up and honest.

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