On Sunday morning, hundreds of individuals from all walks of life will join together both in-person and virtually, with an aim to “Fight Hate for Good” in ADL NY/NJ’s Walk Against Hate.
Scheduled to take place on Sunday, June 12, at the Parade Ground at Van Cortlandt Park, the annual event brings together families, friends, colleagues, teammates, community groups, students, educators and more to speak out and mobilize against bias and bigotry of all kinds.
The day will feature remarks from the following public officials and community leaders:
- ADL NY/NJ Regional Director Scott Richman
- Representative Ritchie Torres
- Council Member Eric Dinowitz
- Consul General of Israel Asaf Zamir
- Pastor Gilford Monrose, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Partnerships (OFCP)
- Others to be announced
Why would anyone show solidarity witha ADL? The ADL now shills for the democratic party covering for their members who openly support Hamas and are Jew hating terrorist supporters all while lying about Republicans,and spewing democratic party talking points. When democratic members of Congress openly support Hamas on the house floor, the ADL is silent, yet when a Republican makes a stupid holocaust comparison, the ADL spends days condemning them, yet when Democrats make worse comparisons, all you get from the ADL are crickets.