Hundreds of Thousands of Utility Customers in New Jersey to Receive $175 Off Their September Bill

Over 275,000 households in New Jersey will receive $175 off their September utility bill, the Murphy administration announced today.

The one-time credit will automatically be issued to approximately 278,000 customers in low-income households across the state who generally qualify for other forms of public assistance. Eligible customers will see credits on their gas or electric bill, but not both.

In April, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) approved the Clean Energy Program true-up budget and committed nearly $22 million in carryover Arrearage Relief Funding (ARF) as well as an additional $30 million in Clean Energy Program funds to the REAP initiative for a total of more than $51 million.

Households deemed eligible for the 2023-2024 Winter Termination Program (WTP) based on electric and gas utility enrollment data are also automatically eligible for REAP. The 2023-2024 WTP was in effect between November 15, 2023, and March 15, 2024.

Customers must call their utility company each winter to request enrollment in WTP. Utility companies are directed to use the WTP eligibility criteria described below:

  1. Recipients of benefits under the Lifeline Credit Program;
  2. Recipients of benefits under the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP);
  3. Recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF);
  4. Recipients of Federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI);
  5. Recipients of Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD);
  6. Recipients of General Assistance (GA) benefits;
  7. Recipients of Universal Service Fund (USF) assistance; or
  8. Persons unable to pay their utility bills because of circumstances beyond their control which shall include, but not be limited to unemployment, illness, medically related expenses, recent death of an immediate family member, and any other circumstances that might cause financial hardship.

Eligible households receiving utility service from separate gas and electric public utilities will see the one-time REAP credit applied to either their gas or electric utility bill, but not both.

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  1. What about the other customers that their bills jumped hundreds of dollars for one month? I understand we had a warm July but not from $200 to 600 for one month.

  2. This is cool but what Murphy going to do for all of the tax players that have been struggling to pay bills & feed their families at the same time? He’s just doing this to try to get reflected not bcuz a dang pit about the ppl! Ya know it’s absolutely disgusting how these selected politicians treat the ppl in the state!! They only care about one thing THEMSELVES & $$$!! Don’t forget about how he Bribed everyone with a dang burger & fries to get the Covid shot!! This guy is a joke!

  3. This disgusts me. They raised my bill so they could pay off everyone else who doesn’t want to pay their bills. All that money from those so-called windmills they were building. The state of New Jersey Got back all that money. They could drop everyone’s bill by $1,000 if they gave the money out to everyone. Democrats are crooked and always will be.

  4. Atrocious. Low income residents ALREADY get free utilities. Now even more credit? Where’s the incentive to WORKKKKKKK?????

    Just take from the poor to give to the poorer. Asinine

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