[Daf Yomi Shiurim near you] Have you always wanted to join the Daf, but kept on pushing it off? Well now you have a new opportunity. Tomorrow morning, hundreds of thousands across the globe will have started Meseches Munachos, the 26th Mesechta of the Daf Hayomi cycle. For your convenience, TLS has compiled a list of the Daf Hayomi Shiurim around Lakewood. (feel free to post additional locations or changes in the comments section).
Also, if you’d like to listen to a Daf Hayomi Shiur while in the office or wherever else you may be, click here to listen and see the Daf of the current day.
Khal Yaakiv Akiva, 1371 Alvarado Ave. in Raintree
5:50am followed by Shachris 6:30am and 9:00pm followed by Maariv 10:00pm.
please correct for B”M of Westgate address 100 Ropshitz shiur time 9:20 pm friday / shabbos winter (EST) friday night 9:00 pm Summer (DST) I hr before Mincha (aaprox 5:00 PM)
thanks for posting the list. Please correct the Cong Sons of ISrael to Park Avenue ( Old Shul)
Sterling Place S’fard. 9pm shiur. 10:05 Maariv.