Hundreds of Frum families are stranded in Orlando this morning after a few flights were canceled, passengers tell TLS.
The flights cancelled were reportedly Frontier Airlines and JetBlue, and said to be due to staffing issues.
Hundreds of families are now waiting in the rebooking line, which only has a couple employees at the desks, travelers say.
In addition, many missed their flights due to long security lines, passengers say.
Some families – who were told the next available flight is Tuesday – tell TLS instead of waiting around, they’ll be driving back home.
You get what you paid for.
Hope the mansion was not leased from a “frontier” type.
Are we sopose to fill bad ?
Use spell check.
You can avoid these issues when you fly private!
Hmmmm somehow every year there is some disaster in Orlando. Yet they won’t get the message.
Tryeng two figger owt yure inglish…
Oiy nnnnnebbbbach so so sad
Sopose … fill?
You are supposed to feel bad that other Yidden are stranded, even if you, personally, couldn’t afford a family vacation over Yom Tov.
In addition, you should feel awful that you missed out on very basic language skills, and are unable to write a single short sentence correctly.
Perhaps, your general education is perfectly in line with your religious one, as both are sorely lacking.
Well said.
As they say in Hebrew- bein Haenayim- loosely translated- Bullseye
@eli, yes,rachmanim bnei rachmanim
I feel bad for them. After a whole yt the traveling back is not easy and I don’t wish this on anyone. I don’t know why ppl feel the need to knock those that go to florida. Every family can choose what works for them and if staying home or going to Florida is what they choose then I am happy for them. If someone wants to go to a resort for Pesach and can’t afford it then bashing those that go is not going to get them any closer to going or make them feel any better.
To the nasty comments:
They already got the hint before your comments.
There is no Mitzva to rub it in. Actually, you should ask forgiveness.
To those of the Kehilla that visited Disney’s World: Please consider this inconvenience a victory over Disney’s “kingdom”, which we now add to the list of kingdoms destroyed by Hashem.
Justice has finally come as another blow to Satan.
Remember what Rav Miller ZTHKL said, “There is no mitzvah to go to Florida (for ‘entertainment’).”
We pray that other evil Satanic kingdoms will follow soon, and Mashiach will be here even before.
There is One King and we are His Eternal Kingdom.
Chazak V’Amatz.
What are you talking about? Disney is the place where everyone, every religion is treated the same. There is no other place than Disney that ALL children no matter how young or old that can make a child’s face light up with the biggest smiles. There are no Satans there .It is the happiest place on Earth We took our children there many, many times and they all grow up to be kind, respectfully and loving. Please to not go, you will bring evil spirits with to his wonderful place..
‘maasei yadai tov’ I’m bayam…’
Why can’t we stop judging people and why do we begrudge these people their vacation. There will always be someone who you will dress better, drive a nicer car, spend differently on different things than you. It’s time to grow up and stop kicking people when they are down. That’s just plain human decency.
Me keamcha Yisrael..We are are a nation like no other! When it comes to Chesed we are #1. Bikur Cholim…Hatzalah… Chai Lifeline…Gamachim…Misaskim…Chaim Aruchim… Mekimi…Lev with Love.. Zaka..and the list goes on and on!! We are Rachmonim Bnai Rachmonim. So why can’t we have a little compassion in our hearts for the hundreds of stranded fellow Yidden? Let’s rethink. It makes no differance if we agree with their travel plans or not.
why do you assume that everybody who wasn’t there cant afford it and is just coming to bash?
Baruch Hashem there are many wealthy people who didn’t go because they have some yiddishe values.
PS either way its not assur to go
Me keamcha Yisrael..We are are a nation like no other! When it comes to Chesed we are #1. Bikur Cholim…Hatzalah… Chai Lifeline…Gamachim…Misaskim…Chaim Aruchim… Mekimi…Lev with Love.. Zaka..and the list goes on and on!! We are Rachmonim Bnai Rachmonim. So why can’t we have a little compassion in our hearts for the hundreds of stranded fellow Yidden? Let’s rethink. It makes no differance if we agree with their travel plans or not.
In spite of the comments of all the do gooders, I will add my lack of sympathy to the mix. There is no reason to be מרחם on people who will need to spend a little more effort to return home after a posh disney vacation during the days which are used by the rest of the Jewish people to reflect on יציאת מצרים as the תורה הקדושה directed us to. I will reserve my sympathy for the many אידן who truly deserve it and continue to hope that they will be זוכה to ‘רחמי שמי as well.
Food for Thought:
I noticed that you have some free time.
Maybe use this precious gift of time that the Almighty gave you to study the book by Rebbetzin Yehudis Samet about judging people favorably.————
The Other Side of the Story—
This book will turn you into a happy person.
Chaim, I think its time for a medication change. Your current ones don’t seem to be doing the trick. It’s really very very sad.
Too bad I just booked a private flight, need to back for a morning Chavrusa!
Wow, I’m just blown away by some of these comments. I do not go to Florida or anywhere else for Pesach, but I believe everyone has the right to make his or her own decision in this area or in any other. You don’t have to agree or disagree. You do what’s best for you and let others do what’s best for them. But to actually say you don’t feel badly for a Yid going through a difficult situation, just because you don’t agree with him, or worse, because you can’t fargin someone, is really a new low.
Bubbe, I think you may not be up on what it is happening in Disney recently. They are now prioritizing the validation of all members of the alphabet soup and are making no secret of it.
ALthough I stayed in my humble rental in Tom’s River for Pesach , I have many friends who go to Orlando. For most of them staying home is really not a preferred option- – Whether because of an illness, at risk teens, etc,..whatever, none of our business. And I feel terrible for them their flights were cancelled. it really puts such a damper on the whole vacation.
I really wish them well 7 may they have no more Tzaros on this trip & may they come home rested and refreshed.
@Bubbe, Disney now supports the CCP genociders and pedophile groomers, in their movies and TV shows they promote the worst toevahs onto children. Disney today is not the same as the disney of yesteryear.
What a krum thing to say which is unfortunately repeated in these comments in various ways so many times.
Yidden do NOT have inalienable rights!
We have Torah values to guide us. Period.
Whether everyone is holding to adhere to these values all the time in every circumstance is one of the primary challenges of our lives.
If you’re not sure what a Torah value is- ask Da’as Torah. Would perhaps some people have specific mitigating circumstances that would require them to go to Orlando even according to Torah values? Very possibly.
80,000? No way Jose.
@Chaim at 11:56am is 100% right.
Personally, I can afford to go, and can do so quite comfortably. (That’s another thing I don’t believe, that 80,000 people can afford to comfortably go, which brings up the whole living within your means conversation which isn’t what I’m saying right now.) I bH choose not to go galavanting around to distract myself and family and warp their views of what a heilig yom tov is about.
Am I perfect? No way. However I won’t pretend the values are lower or not what they really are, just to justify what other people do. Again, not everyone is holding by adhering to every standard all the time, but let’s not change those standards to make others feel better. Let’s all just try our best to get to those lofty levels.
Yes. See my comment above.
The fact that some of you are sitting here and deciding that you have a right to make fun of or lack sympathy for your fellow Jews who are in a horrible situation and are trying to bring in halachic proofs to support this horrible attitude genuinely disgusts me. Stop worrying about wether it’s assur or not to go to Orlando and start worrying about your attitude toward other Jews
While the Oilam is arguing whether Pesach in Florida is appropriate I think it’s a good time to bring up Musical Slichos!
to all those immature and jealous ppl out there honestly i am shocked!!!!!!!! i can not believe you have the audacity to write something so absurd!!!is this what you call ahavas yisrael??!! do u think that this is going to bring the geulah faster??? just because u cant afford be happy for those who could
I believe people should travel away for any YomTov only if they can truly afford it!( we fly private)
No credit card’s self borrowing no gemach for YomTov loan’s non of this “we’ll
pay over the next 12 months or 2 years” shtick or use home line of credit( way too many poor people with good credit are in Florida lately) You can only travel for pleasure after give up 10% to Tzadakah + 2. You’re paid up on all your tuitions and pledges 3. Paid back all your personal debts then definitely go and enjoy Orlando or Dubai etc.. but if you’re one of those let’s “keep up with the Goldstein’s” families,please don’t punish the school’s, teacher’s with late tuitions and unpaid shul obligations stay put …
I know someone who went by car to Orlando. B”H, he has a way home!
I am honestly horrified with some of these comments! Horrified, putting it mildly! No one has the right to judge other peoples choice… why are we in Galus because of Hatred without reason! Don’t try to put your “I’m a tzaddik” reasons why people shouldn’t go to Florida! Everyone is entitled to their own decisions,and yes, we should feel bad for them they’re Jews! And who knows why these people went to Orlando. I can’t believe this is actually Jewish adults I expected more from us Jews! Really really shocked and disturbed from these comments!!!
To Jay, Scarred and all other horrified sympathy people, get a grip. This is not a question of being judgmental, just with some perspective, this is not such a terrible calamity. If they weren’t able to get get pizza on motzoei yom tov or something terrible like that, we of course would have great sympathy for them.
They were obviously not wearing those blue face masks.
That would have saved them from all the problems.
They have a special Segula. It doesn’t have to work or make sense.
If you’ve got the time it’s nice and more economical and convenient to drive down to Orlando which is a bit under 1,000 miles.
Gas for a Minivan is about $750 round trip or $1,000 for a suburban; but you will save on airline tickets plus $1,800 on an Orlando Minivan Rental, plus you can load it all that you want and you don’t have to rush to catch a flight.
Wow. How so very sad. After two years of gehemnom and isolation, there are still those among us venomously jealous and judgmental.
If after reading this article your first reaction is to bash, get help. You are truly an unfortunate creature.
@Shloimy from 7:08.
Wow, you did miss all the drashas after 2 years of an Isolation ( if you’re struggling or not married or have religious issues we can understand it’s was Gehennom. Most healthy Jew family grew much closer and the saider under a lockdown was as close as one can have to an original one 3500 years ago Watching people run to Orlando like a hyper race horse out of the Kentucky derby gate is not a pleasant experience to watch from an authentic TRUE Passover experience, I believe people are just weak and unfortunately the last 2 years was a waste of time for them to understand why off the Chagim Passover is most important one to grow from!!
I’m not surprised by the people being judgmental. I went to Maariv Motzei Shabbos wearing a blue shirt and 6 men thanked me for showing up on time to sell back their Chometz.
What I find most interesting is that there are people that think that the reason people do not go to Orlando is because they can’t afford it.
Why Did you go to Maariv in a blue shirt?
Very sad that so many frum yidden don’t ask Daas Torah before making the decision to spend Pesach in Orlando. I’m not judging any individual family for making the choice but something is off kelter in our community If our Rabbonim aren’t consulted about such an important decision.
I did ask daas Torah!!!Boo ya!!! Ps. Is boo ya still a thing
@carson. It’s totally a thing
@hey,I don’t believe you for a second.
Sol,you are so right. Shloimy, I actually know two families that always spent Pesach away and after feeling the authenticity of a real Pesach @ home during covid, have decided to stay home from now on. That is something very positive that came out of covid for some. In addition,I work in a school that has kids from all types of backgrounds, and the difference between the kids who go to these programs and those who have a real Pesach is blatant.
As frum Yidden, we know we’re all on a journey to Olom Habah. If going to Orlando helps you reach your goal then kol hakovod for going. This requires a discussion with a Rov or Rebbi. Without the input of a talmid chochom, we are very likely to make decisions that detract us from our life goal to be nehneh from the Ziv Hashchinah in Olom Habah.
I believe that most of of us can have an uplifting kosher & happy Yomtov right here in Lakewood. It’s very meaningful to be able to have this spiritual experience right where you live with no need to escape from home.
@Shloimy, no one around here has been isolated for at least the last 20+ months, the people who have been isolated for the last 2 years, guys like Stevenn are staying isolated until Saint “The Science” Fauci says covid is gone.
How about the few families who went there for a special Dr who only comes to the states 2 times a year and it happens to be over Pesach?? Are you jealous of these families who are together away from “home” that are uprooting themselves to help a sick person? Think before you speak your mind please!! You will save these families extra stress. I could give you some Tehillim to take on for them or the option of chipping in to care for the rest of the family for this 3 week vacation as you call it. Thank you for taking the time to hear me out.
Reading all the comments, I was left with only one opinion and that is that it doesn’t seem like bashing your fellow Jews based on personal opinions is a very Jewish value. It looks very similar to politics right now. Two sides fighting and loads of hypocrisy.
Is this really all worth fighting for.
Hi, I went to Orlando and I personally did ask a Rav first. He told me to go science it would help me serve Hashem with Simcha. So let’s be careful before we judge a fellow Jew. Thank you
Every year we wait for the news to comment on ORLANDO DISASTER. Truth is I was there and do not know anyone whose house or flights were cancelled! Can we write an article of ORLANDO SUCCESS!! All those who rejoice in the disaster as yourself why….
@by outside view> Totally agree with you!!!!!!
Some ppl got the case of the green eyed monster!
What would be so terrible if we said glad that you’re back, safe and sound, Baruch Hashem and hoping that they had an enjoyable and meaningful Pesah experience? Couldn’t and won’t hurt anyone. Correct?