VIDEO: Hundreds this morning took part in a heartwarming Carlebach-style Slichos lead by singer and composer Yehuda Green. The unique experience at the West Side Institutional Synagogue in Manhattan began at 1 AM and lasted till about 3:45 AM.
Green was accompanied by Lakewood Guitarist Hudi Greenberger and other musicians.
Video by Motty Engel and Yossi Tepper.
hashem loves this
how come there are no hats??
Sounds more like a performance than selichos. Is this the right way to do teshuva?
Dave – because u werent there
Why aron kodesh open?>
#4 they were saying Shema Kolainu. That is where the song Hashieveinu comes from.
This is a Bizayon Hatefilla. Its a scene from a bar not a Mokom Kodosh. There is no mechitza and the women are dancing. The Aron Kodesh is open while all this is happening. Maybe people think its emotional and Hartzig and HKB”H takes all Teffilos from anyone in anyplace. That may be true in some cases for certain people. Not for everyone.
To turn the 1st night of Selichos, the beginning of the Yemai Hadin, the time when our loving father in heaven is opening his door wider then usual to accept our heartfelt meaningful Teshuva and Bakoshos as he sits in his awesome courtroom, to turn this into an “event”, into a concert, into a scene of Hefkayrus is something to cry over.
I wonder if these people in that setting are the same bloggers who every time there is a tragedy or a Tzora, if they are the same people that come here to this and other web-sites with the “wake up” messages and the “when will this end” comments.
Hashem Yeracheim.
Yehuda Green has a Koach no doubt but it must be used for the good. A scene like this must be reserved for those who find the traditional Bakovodiga setting for Davening too difficult. For those special Neshomos, those special Yidden then this is for them. But looking at the video and seeing people who were there for “the show” and to have fun – to chill and be hefker makes one wonder if we have fallen to the lowest levels of Tuma again.
this is such a sad video clip. we have a long way to go.
While this may not be for the lakewood crowd there are some people including baalei tshuva and those unaffiliated that draw their inspiration from this. If all there was, was the dry lakewood mentality which bh works well for litvishe yidden there would be plenty of people who would be remain completely unaffiliated. For some it works maybe not for you or me. I agree that it also brings in some lakewood crowd who dont belong there but you you cant control that.
# 7 You are right on!
There is a time to be mekariv Purim Chanukah Yomim Tovim now is the time to be in a respectfull mode not down or depressed but neither singing and dancing!
a person with a black hat , bekisha, shtrimel also needs a hertizig tifilla. I dont say its a perfect place. but there is something of kiruv krovim and many of us need it.
if they did not got to yehuga green most probably they would not go to any silichos.
And who are we to judge. Even a boy whistling in front of an aron kodesh can have a koach to open sharei shamayim lisfilosenu.
Look at the achdus of the crowd- EVERY WALK OF YIDEN was there.
To oy vey: very well said my friend, its good to know that at least someone has an understanding of the days before rosh hashanah and how hashem yearns for us to be chozer betshuva. People shouldn’t be dancing, they should be shivering about whether or not they will live or die, or be healthy or sick or succesful or poor etc
to #7
they are serving hashem how they want to not how you feel they should obviousley this is not for every body but for those people they spent 3 hours saying and singing selichos lshem mitzvah to serve hashem with simcha who is to judge? you?
bilvaad shmitkaven lebum leshamayim
You dont have to like it. And they don’t care if you like it . I hate it. But who cares?
to Jew # 12. Without realizing it you hit the nail on the head. “they are serving hashem the way they want to” Serving Hashem is not about the way YOU want to. Doing it the way you want to is serving ones self not Hashem.
Oy vey & manager – u guys are clueless. I was there. I got 10 x more nisragesh from selichos there than any selichos I had @ any Shul, Yeshiva, BMG minyan ever. A guht Yahr. db
I’m sorry this is not called Slichos. Yes its nice, its heartzig, its emotional, its everything but its not Selichos…. I”m sorry!
Selichos is “Lecho H-shem Hatzedoko Velonu Boishes Haponim” – not this concert……..
Thanx, hudi. Great job, as always, on the sound system & accompaniment. It was a beautiful, uplifting experience. Dudi.
#7, you hit the nail on the head. And so did Chaim.
There is a time for everything (or rather most things). Just as no one would suggest singing and dancing by a funeral is beautiful but rather oh so sad, I dare say that this is a similar scene. How sad that people can confuse their emotions to the point where there is no differentiation between Purim (uplifting and inspiring as it may be) and he first night of slichos. Yes, joy and dancing is a way that may bring one closer to Hashem, but there is a time for Eimas Hadin.
Listen, I had tears in my eyes watching the energy level and achdus in that room. I’m nit sure it was appropriate for selichos though. I will be the first one to tell you that the average srlichos in Lakewood is waaaay too depressing. The might be a much happier medium though. This seemed like a color war grand sing. Nice but a but out of place I think. May everyone be zoche to a gut yohr.
Please correct me if I’m wrong. There was a mechitza that was up to one’s shoulder. If I recall correctly, that is enough to be a good mechitza
To all the bashers of this Slichos may you all have a git gezint yor:
What are you doing watching this?
There is only one reason, you really do like it:
Thats why Moshiach isn’t at our door step:
Why is this the person 600 jews look up to??????
I loved it! doing teshuva is absolutley something to dance about. It is a matana from hakodosh boruchu and it should be done out of love not fear. Dancing and singing is the appropriate way honor our loving father in heaven. It is so sad to read the depressed mentality of ‘lets be sad its elul” . Who gave people this nebuch approach to yiddishkeit? May hashem open all of your eyes and hearts to what true ahvas hashem and ahavas yisroel is all about. Enjoy!
I wonder if anyone there has kids in CHOP. When one begs for their own life or more so for their childrens life, do they dance and sing their way to having their requests answered, or do they cry and beg for mercy and scared to death of what the repercussions are.
if i would have gone, ide have gone for the social scene, free concert, maybe a lil eye candy. Personally, i went to pray, serious and cognizant of what selichos represents. To each their own i suppose. Im surprised there was no drinking there, some people get inspired by a couple of shots and kegs too.
Yes, the tears are streaming down from shomayim. We certainly need Moshiach to set us stright. I am a bit shocked this is on The Lakewood Scoop.
Guaranteed this is what the Avodah in the Bais Hamikdash looked like. So beautiful.
I shudder for all you Farbisener Jews commenting here. How’s your next generation going to look like.
I need to watch it again.
It is so sad to see the closemindedness of some ppl specifically from certain communities. Instead of being a hater, learn to embrace klal yisroel-and by that I mean all of klal yisroel. We have an obligation to love every jew and just because some ppl do things differently does not mean that they are wrong. Everyone has different things that help them to serve Hashem better-and if for many ppl a selichos with achdus, music, dancing, and a feeling of a closeness to all yidden help elevate them, than what is wrong with that?? Who are you to judge? You obviously are lacking in a big area and that area is ahavas yisroel. In the days before Rosh Hashana when we are begging Hashem to give a a year full of bracha, and to bring Mashiach don’t you think an appropriate area to work on would be to love every jew-(and stop this senseless bashing) since wasn’t that the reason the bais hamikdash was destroyed!
BTW-I think that this selichos was a huge kiddush Hashem-just seeing the achdus between yidden from every walk of life was inspiration enough for me! It was a beautiful site and halevai ppl from certain communities would open their eyes and love their neighbors even if they are not exactly like them, and then maybe we would merit Mashiach speedily in our days! Kesiva Vechasima Tova to all!
Absolutely beautiful!! What a great way to serve Hashem!