Rachmastrivka Rebbe Spends Shabbos in Lakewood

PHOTO: The Rachmastrivka Rebbe from New York was in Lakewood for Shabbos, attracting close to a thousand Chassidim and others for the Tfillos, Tisch and Shalosh Seudos – which lasted for about an hour after Shabbos.

The events took place in a large tent outside the newly built Beis Medrash on County Line Road.


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  1. i was at the tish and bored, so i counted, the bleachers were 11 high and each row had 50+ ppl so each side had 550 + ppl + the back was another 250 ppl + the dais, so the chesbon is a little more.

  2. I was there too. It was a real kiddish hashem to see such a tzaddik in Lakewood. He is from the few remaining holy yidden from the previous generation. There is so much you learn from him his hasmodah b’torah his tzidkis and specially his anivus how he treats everyone even a small child with so much ahavas yisroel

  3. “Didn’t know there are so many rachmistrikva chasidim in Lakewood!”

    There aren’t! They shipped them in from Boro Park, Monsey etc

  4. I dont mind that they come from all over to fill up the town!! Well how come they caused so much traffic ob friday and motzee shabbos!

  5. I was at the Tish Friday night I don’t think that any Rebbe had such a huge crowed from the people that live in Town. The entire world is a maven on this great Tzadik that learns and serves Hashem day and night. Also the Rebbe is a close Talmud of R’ Isser Zalmen Zt”l and also heard Shiurim of R Aron Zt”l so the Lakewwod oilem has a feeling to the Rachmistrivke Rebbe and came to see him and to give respect to this great Tzadik. I can’t say how many people were there but thru out the entire Shabbos a huge Oilem came to see and look at this Tzaddik. Lakewood never had such an attandance as this Shabbos!

  6. B”h we r zoicha to have such a tzadik hador in Lakewood he is the hikagasta rabbi today’s days 1000s off ppl from the all world r coming to him every day. Thank u hasem

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