PHOTOS of yesterday evening’s Bonei Olam event. The event, which took place at Lake Terrace, was dedicated by the Strasser family – founders of the ‘save a generation’ fund – in memory of Mrs. Leah Kriger A”H. The Bonei Olam award was awarded to Mrs. Ziva Kriger, the Olam Chesed Yiboneh award was awarded to Mrs. Chumie Brodt, and the Young Leadership award, to Mrs. Chayala Kaufman & Mrs. Shaindy Braun.
The event was for women only.
Click here for a list of winners.
Photos by Crystal Photography for TLS.
Thank you Bonei Olam I am in ever indent your all your help. May Hashes bless everyone and the organization with all good.
How do i know if i won a prize
thank you bonei olam for all your help !
who are the winers?
There aren’t any winners . This auction is now going to NY. You didn’t realize that when you saw the prizes??
Granted it should of been clearer but you should of known.
where and who nwould i see the winners???????????//
i hope i won! im yitza hashem!
A list of last night’s winners is on their website.
15 winners were chosen last night for prizes exclusively to Lakewood. They were posted on the Bonei Olam website.
To #5 “wait”: part of the auction was already done. here is the list of winners Link:
there are more items being auctioned off in NY
everyone who donates to them is a true winner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!