Although the economy is healing, New Jersey still has its load of serious fiscal problems. Unemployment in the state exceeds the national average, home values have not recovered, and foreclosures are on the rise. Record numbers are on welfare and food stamps. In the Orthodox community, parents are struggling to pay yeshiva tuitions and jobs are scarce.
So, with all this going on it makes no sense to lead the present legislative session with same-gender marriage. To begin with, what’s the urgency? New Jersey already has laws permitting people to execute contracts with people they want to live with and insure that financial and medical matters are shared. Further, New Jersey should not simply rush to the “monkey see, monkey do,” hysteria spreading across America with states like New York legalizing same-gender unions in order to supposedly vindicate the long-held postulates of the civil rights movement.
And that really is the point. Same-gender marriage is not about civil rights. It’s not about forcing blacks to the back of the bus or segregating school systems. Any man and woman, regardless of color, religion or creed, may be married. The issue is only one: what is marriage.
Marriage is the union of two people that, in its purest and most common form, leads to the natural reproduction of children who grow up and populate the planet. It is the bond that permits the human race to continue to exist. Sure, not every couple has children. But only a traditional couple can have children together. It is the loving bond of man and wife from which emerges a child that creates what we call family – the bedrock of society. And, it is this social unit — father, mother, son, daughter — that the state has an interest in promoting and protecting. Research overwhelmingly supports the conclusion that children receive the best care, both physically and emotionally, and grow up to be productive adults when they come from a stable family – a place where there is a father and mother to help guide the child through early life.
Marriage requires and insures commitment and sacrifice which is ever more manifest when the couple has children together. Same-gender unions cannot produce the natural bonds of the traditional couple which are forged through the children that derive from both parents and which grow through the joy of raising those children into adults. In short, two “mommies” cannot replace mom and dad.
The State is charged with promoting and insuring the health, safety and welfare of its citizens. Nothing could be more important to that mandate than protecting the institution of marriage. By permitting anyone to marry, the state is telling its citizens that the traditional couple is expendable. It is legitimizing the fallacy that there are alternative lifestyles that don’t require both parents to participate in the creation of their children that are just as capable of providing the nurture of the family unit extant in the traditional setting. This is flat wrong.
Unfortunately, the Democratic bosses in Trenton have decided to play politics with this important issue hoping to force Governor Christie into vetoing the same-gender marriage bill. Christie, alas, has abandoned his Republican principles and instead of coming forward in his commanding style and decrying the ploy, has sheepishly declared that he will put the matter to a referendum and listen to the people. But this shouldn’t surprise the Christie fan club. He simply is sticking true to form and putting his national political ambitions above the welfare of New Jersey. Regretably, the same-gender marriage bill may actually make it into law, which will be a sad day for all of New Jersey.
Howie – I am impressed; finally something you and I can agree on.
Smell the coffee. The Dems have made S1 their number one priority and trying for force Christie to veto.
Christe is shrewdly trying to outmaneuver the phony ‘equality’ rhetoric by imposing party discipline against an override and then brilliantly suggesting to change the forum to give the voice back to the people
Christie’s logic: only a handful of die-hard pro-same-genders will come out to vote, while the “moral majority” will come out heavy to oppose. Is probably true.
Lets call a spade a spade. The Dems in the legislature – whom you seek to join as a colleague – are totally opposed to respecting our life-view and values and its time for you to jump ship.
New Jersey still has its load of serious fiscal problems. Unemployment in the state exceeds the national average, home values have not recovered, and foreclosures are on the rise. Record numbers are on welfare and food stamps. In the Orthodox community, parents are struggling to pay yeshiva tuition’s and jobs are scarce.
So i ask; how could you say “although the economy is healing?”
Seems like a subliminal “vote for obama/democrats” pitch.
i have seen the economy become slightly better, but not healing.
the definition for “healing is the restoration of whats damaged.” The economy is no where healing. Its still as unstable as anything else- with slight signs of tiny improvement. there is still to much instability in the middle east & europe to even fathom stating our economy is “healing”.
Howard I got a news flash for you the dems are on the wrong side of 90% of issues.
howie i’m impressed!!
if its legal in new jersey to make a civil union then why do you care what they call it ??
so if a couple is beyond child bearing age, would you say that they can’t get married? Thats essentially your entire argument
difference of a world
(say that to the enemy)
To:who cares
Let me ask you the same question, If the name is not important and the benefits are the same, then leave it as is.
I think you should check your “research”. Research overwhelmingly shows that children with two moms or two dads do just as well as children with a mom and a dad. Love and stability are the key, and a family with same-gender parents can be just as stable (or unstable) as traditional families.