POLL: How would you rate the Lakewood DPW’s snow cleanup so far?

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I was so impressed with DPW cleanup. They came with the right equipment – heavy tractor and timely too. This is so appreciated. Compare this to storms in the past where we didn’t see a truck for days and when we finally did they were ill equipped to deal with the amount of snow.
Thank you!
The snow plower in my neighborhood did a very thorough job! ?
Still waiting to be plowed on hekel
I have nothing to base my rating off of so far but sounds like they are doing well
Disaster job the worse ever as they contracted it out to a company that has no clue what they are doing
Depends which area, some streets are great,others impassable
Van Buren off New Central needs some help.
Night and day when compared to the last storm. Our public works department has finally got this right. Thx!!!!
In my neighborhood the TWP outsourced the plowing to 2 guys with pickup trucks and regular plows on them.
The reality is, they can NOT do as good a job as the large TWP Dump Trucks with the LARGE PLOWS on it.
Although I understand why it was a great idea to outsource the job, maybe these pickup truck guys can spend a longer time…
I just don’t want my taxes to go up!
Nothing crazy
Regency estates (Henkel Rd / Shilo) only got plowed down the center of the road leaving huge mounds of snow extending on either side of the street toward the center. Will need a tractor to clean this up – very difficault to get in or out.
We need some of that equipment down here.
* Hekel Rd.
my twsp owned street was not plowed even once. is there anyone to contact? perhaps it just fell thru the cracks and we got forgotten.
Considering the magnitude and rate of accumulation that this storm delivered, the response has been great. I drove through Jackson and Toms River today and they were barely keeping up with it. In the past this town was a no show compared to the surrounding municipalities. Job well done.
I agree with steve! Hekel off pine BOULEVARD is insane.
Clean up was great!
Thank you!
“Fantastic service” as they came flying down our street (county road) literally plowing everything in its path including the mailbox which they split in half and garbage cans bowled over.
Thank you for providing amazing entertainment for my children who had the privilege of watching live!
Very nice job- Thank you
I hope they going to Salt the roads now the tonight and come back to everywhere they plowed already and put down salt because if not tomorrow morning is going to be terrible
My street was done 10 times today and they did a great job all by a to z construction.
Hekel rd on the other hand is a disaster don’t use those guys which dis hekel again
The a to z guys did a great job
Is there garbage pickup tomorrow?
You’ll never make everyone happy. So many complainers. I don’t think there’s any town in the world that would do any better. We’re comparing ourselves to the big cities and the state. No comparison.
I assume you haven’t been to many other towns during a snowstorm or you wouldn’t be making such a bold statement. On what premise are you basing that assumption? All of the Township streets I drove on on Friday were disgraceful. You cannot call that a cleanup. The streets were white. Im from Monsey and the cleanup there is worlds away, and I wouldn’t call that a big city. The streets there are black the next day with hardly a speck of snow. I do not understand why Lakewood cannot get their act together
Good job plowing the street. The bad part is that they plow me in. I can not get out of my driveway cause they kept on add more snow. Now I can’t go to work tomorrow.
We live in raintree and they did a great job!!
Thanks a million
They did a great job down the middle of my street on Ardenwood Ave., but didn’t get close enough to the curbs so I can’t get out of my driveway unless I dig way out into the street and won’t be able to get my mail unless I dig out around my mail box, also well into the street.
Was out all night and roads that were built wide enough are very clean.
New roads are just to skinny to plow right in addition to all the basements tenants parking on the street.
We do it to ourselves. Cant have it it both ways.
Regency is still terrible.
@anon21 seems like most of the complainers live on the same block. They got a quick once over leaving mounds of snow everywhere and the block barely passable with 4x4s
I live in a complex that doesn’t usually get plowed,this time it got plowed 5 times!!! They did a great job!!
South side area great job for a Blizzard like this!!!!!!!!!
Great job! And it’s not even the morning after yet !
The crews in Raintree did an amazing job!! Dpw was very smart to use private contractors instead of large Dpw trucks in this area bec many of the blocks in Raintree are dead ends and cult de sacs. The smaller trucks had better maneuverability and was able to do a very throrough job. Shout out to Carlos and his crew !! Thank you to our new Dpw director !!! Keep up the great work!!
Brookhill gr8 job !!!
Was amazed
Amaizing job dpw!!!!!!!
The grid needs a little chizuk. I’m sure by the time I go to vasikin all will be clear 🙂
DPW did an unbelievable job. José even stopped and apologized for not being able to do better because of a vehicle parked in front of my house and in the way. Was very thorough and I noticed the same on other neighborhood streets.
My block in raintree had a pickup truck with a plow going up and drown probably every fifteen minutes this morning. It became a family joke but it got the job done so well!! I was able to dig out my car and drive right out. This compared to other storms where we didn’t see a plow for days! Although we didn’t have the big DPW trucks come, it wasn’t necessary as the contracted guys kept ahead of the storm. Job well done!!!
Forest and Madison excellent You guys deserve a big thank you I didn’t think I would be able to drive an hr after the snow stoped Great job Township
I drove all around town today and I believe they did a phenomenal job. They went beyond their duty and expectations. I truly can’t understand how they managed to get so much done under the circumstances. GOOD JOB!!!
I also have been to jackson today, and they don’t come close to Lakewood.
Excellent job! I saw at least 5 plows on my block today. Thanks to all of you who worked under these harsh conditions trying to make our roads a safe place !
Pretty good around my area Btw what was the avg total snowfall for lkwd
Great job by the “pickup truck” guys!
Really great job done by the sub contractors on the South Side. We must mention though that the County was a total no show today. Central, Prospect, County Line, Kennedy…All totally neglected all day.
Please plow Hearth Ct.
SHOUT OUT to committees members for figuring out how to handle a storm. Keep up the good work !!
I am astonished at all the positive feedback- I’m happy for those of you who had efficient service, but our block off Hope/County Line wasn’t plowed even once until late tonight!!!
Awesome Job!
great new system
now had they leaves been picked up… the snow would have more room to be piled better…
but nonetheless much better overall
Westsgte is a sloppy job. They had plows come through but they did very minimal. Mounds of snow everywhere. Cars getting stuck all over.
Brookhill Amazing/ Thank you for doing a great job!
Raintree area was done well
Thank you
Thanks to DPW for a job well done on a major snow storm!
Ashley Avenue between Wynatt and Lincoln was plowed nicely by the small trucks. Unfortunately our trash was not picked up. Hopefully it will happen today as everyone’s cans are full with a weeks trash.
This clean-up is unprecedented in Lakewood. This was a blizzard of more than a foot of snow and the streets are already clear the following day so we can drive. What a fantastik job!! Thank you DPW for all your tiring work and for the township administration for putting in place this most-needed change.
Disastrous. The contractors mean well, I’m sure, but they are awful. Every time I dig out my driveway and mailbox, they plow it back in. Also the leaves that haven’t been picked up for a month are now everywhere. How was this a good job? Awful.
I think they did a pretty good job as long a they continue to cleanup they left a lot of small streets with just 1 path so they need to go around and make the roads wider
Van Buren off New Central- only plowed in the center of the road – and blocked in all the driveways with compacted snow from the sidewalk to the center of the road!! please come re-plow!
Around yeshiva 7th st is bad. 8th wasnt touched.
We were very impressed- it is so hard to plow with cars parked on both sides of the road and no where to put the snow. Thank you so much for all of the effort to keep everyone safe.
How much did it actually snow?
To all complaining development people, part of leaving in a quiet neighborhood with the houses close to each other you end up getting a lousy clean up do to fact there no where to put it!!!!!
Yes development people are complaining the most, our streets are being ignored. Service in developments needs and CAN be improved.
“No where to put” is is a lazy explanation, my development paid extra for private company Thursday night to clean (since the township did a lousy job – as you wrote) and the private company cleaned up and they did a fantastic job, Why can’t the township do the same?
Hadassah LAne was plowed for the first time at 8 pm. in the dark and they couldn’t see anything! it looks like they forgot about our area.
Gefen / Remon looking awful!
Horrible Job. Look around at the private parking lots. they are beautiful. The township subcontracted out work and just plowed a narrow strip down the road. i had to shovel 8 feet of township property to get out my car.
I know it was a big storm, but come on? during the storm there were no plows in my neighborhood.
Yes great job! now i need to dig the car out.
Terrible- They got plenty of tax money use it properly.
Plow two lanes not just one. Put out more salt.
Go to other cities to learn how to clean up.
And most of all in developments.
People do not park illegally so they cant plow there and people are stuck
for 2 weeks.
People learn how to drive you dont drive 45 miles an hour on a street that is not plowed and wonder why people are going 20
dont turn this in to a yehsivish matziv be safe
Why was only ONE LANE cleared on part of cedarbridge n new Hampshire AS OF FRIDAY 12:33 PM ?
Best move to sub it out!
Kudos to whoever is in charge of This!
Since Mayor Ray Coles was in office our quality of life is much better!
Yes development people are complaining the most, our streets are being ignored. Service in developments needs and CAN be improved.
“No where to put” is is a lazy explanation, my development paid extra for private company Thursday night to clean (since the township did a lousy job – as you wrote) and the private company cleaned up and they did a fantastic job, Why can’t the township do the same?
They did a great job; started right away, and finished down to the road soon after. TYVM