How will you spend your Chanuka gelt?
Choose to place it in an eternal investment.
The Birchas Avrohom, HaGaon HaTzadik HaRav R’ Avrohom Erlanger Shlita from Yerushalayim, has turned to us with a special request for help.
His son, a choshuva Talmid Chochom and Rosh Yeshiva, is in desperate need of monetary assistance.
The Tzadik will daven for all those who donate generously that they and their family be saved this year from all tzorois and have only simcha and nachas from their family.
To Donate call or text 732.584.3939 or mail a check payable to “Help the Birchas Avrohom” to 36 Zinfandel Road, Lakewood, NJ 08701.
Donate online at https://secure.cardknox.com/helpthebirchasavrohom.
Join now in this great mitzvah so you and your family will be included in this great brocha!