Nearly 2 years ago, I shared my story with you right here on The Scoop. While learning in kollel, I needed to increase my parnassah, and became a professional freelance writer on the side. Now I get paid over $100 an hour to write emails and webpages for businesses.
I set my own hours, and I write from home or anywhere else. I have never attended college, and before I launched my career, I had never written professionally.
I confess, I was pretty shocked by the amazing response to my article—it went viral, and I got nearly 300 emails from Scoop readers, asking me to help them become online freelancers.
I truly believe this is a great option for yungeleit, kollel wives, and anyone looking to earn extra money.
Today I’m writing this article for two reasons.
- I want to update you on my progress.
- For the last few months I’ve been working with my brother, and have something (free) to share that you may find helpful.
I’m not going to make you wait until the bottom of this article to read it, you can check it out now by clicking on this link. You don’t even need to submit your email address. (More about it below.)
My business success
B”H I’ve had a lot of siyata dishmaya, which has helped me have a consistent and steady stream of clients.
While I focus mainly on writing, I’ve expanded my services by teaching myself other types of online marketing.
For example, one of my clients was looking to hire someone to search Google and share articles on LinkedIn each week. Most people can do that sort of thing without much experience, yet my client is happy to pay a nice amount of money, because he knows he can rely on me.
A lot of companies are looking to hire people to do ONLY writing–nothing technical or design-related, and you don’t need to program. You just need to be competent and reliable.
Last year I landed a steady client, a frum owner of a marketing agency, who paid me over $100 an hour to create email blasts. I did not have to do any design, and although it required some technical knowledge, it was not hard to learn.
Some writers charge over $200 for a 300 word video script (as in “Meet Yosef. Yosef has been struggling with his finances, and can use advice from an expert…”).
I’m not kidding. These are REAL jobs, and you can earn serious money. And you can do it from home, with your kids screaming in the background, at any hour of the day.
You’re probably wondering, what’s the catch? There is no catch. Companies would rather pay someone who is competent, reliable, and easy to get a hold of, over someone with tons of talent who never picks up the phone.
After learning in Kollel for over 10 years and piling up massive debt, I was able to use online freelancing to help support my family. For a long time, I did it part-time while simultaneously holding two part-time jobs in chinuch.
Here are more details about the guide I mentioned earlier…
My brother Danny, who trained me to be a freelance writer, has a website called Freelance To Win, where he shares tons of advice, and the exact strategies he used to earn over $100K in just one year. Tens of thousands of people have visited the website, and thousands have bought his video course, Secrets of a Six-figure Upworker.
He just published a 50 page “Ultimate Guide To Getting Your First Freelance Job”, which gives you his exact step-by-step process to setting up a great Upwork profile, writing great proposals, and getting hired.
Danny decided to publish the guide on his website in the form of a blog post, which you can have totally free by clicking the link below. (You don’t even need to submit your email address.)
Click here to read the free Ultimate Guide.
(Full disclosure: Danny is my brother, and I work for him.)
I wish you continuing success, and to your mentor, your brother Danny. With all due respect, this should be posted as an “Advertorial”, at the very least. Thank you.
Thanks so much for your beracha!
How could it be posted as an advertorial, if I didn’t pay TLS for it? This is completely free advice that I’m sharing, and asking for nothing in return. It may not be as “gossipy” as stories about Jackson antisemitism, but why is it less valuable?