HORROR STORY: Her “Miracle Baby” Turned Blue


It was a moment she will certainly never forget: Raizel Kahana was holding her 7-month-old baby Chananya when he suddenly went limp. Chananya’s parents desperately tried to do CPR as the baby turned blue. Ambulances rushed him to the hospital, where doctors found that the baby’s lungs no longer worked independently. He was attached to oxygen machines, where he has stayed since.

This comes as an especially devastating blow to the Kahanas: Chananya was their “miracle baby” after years of treatments. Now the tiny baby lays in a hospital bed, surrounded by monitors, struggling for every breath. His parents, a tutor and a teacher, have upended their lives to stand by his side, bringing him toys and consulting with doctors.

Now is the time for action: Doctors say that Chananya absolutely must fly to America for surgery on his lungs in order to survive. The Kahanas are an average Israeli couple, with no savings, barely making it through the month as is. This has made it impossible for them to save their baby’s life.

Raizel has opened a Chesed Fund page, in a desperate attempt to reach readers around the world. “I am begging for someone to help save my baby,” she writes.

Donations are being urgently collected to help the Kahanas afford Chananya’s current medical treatments as well as the immense expense of flying their family to America and purchasing the surgery needed to save his life. His seven months on this earth have been brief and full of suffering – His parents are praying that strangers will help so that he will have a chance at a long and healthy life.

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