If you are leaving for the Yom Tov please be sure to: 1. Leave lights in your house on-preferably on a timer. Most burglars look for a darkened residence to enter since this tells them that everyone is asleep. 2. Lock all of your windows. Most burglars make entry through unlocked windows.
3. Lock all the doors to your house as well as the doors to any vehicles that remain at your residence.
4. Do not leave valuables in plain sight either in your vehicle or in your home.
5. Do not allow newspapers or mail to accumulate. Have a neighbor collect them for you.
6. Leave a contact number with a neighbor in case of an emergency.
If you are staying home for the Yom Tov please be sure to:
Insure that all your doors and windows are locked every night, especially if you have had anyone in the house
such as a cleaning person or even a repairman.
Keep an eye on your neighborhood and report any suspicious activity to the Police Department 732-363-0200 as soon as possible.
Wishing everyone a Chag Kosher V’Sameach.
Rob Lawson, Chief of Police
Good Job Chief Robert Lawson
Sad the police have to remind you of your basic daily duty’s.
Obviously people have lost their common sense if the police have to remind you to lock your homes, cars, and not to leave valuables within sight or easy reach of criminals.
-wake up people. take some pride in being smart, wise, and proactive against crime.
I had a break in on a Friday night around 2 yrs ago…I was home and all my lights were on…go figure
I understand not using the phone on the Sabbath but if someone breaks into my house to rob me or endanger my family I will be dialing 911