This morning, TLS received the following email from a reader, and decided to publish it to clarify the Law regarding handheld devices: “Last night I was pulled over knowing that I wasn’t talking on the phone or speeding Itold the cop that you probably thought I was talking on the phone because it was in my hand but I wasn’t talking on it and you can check your self. He responded that you don’t have to be talking on the phone to be in violation as long as you’re using your phone (which I was checking a date on the calendar). I responded that i didn’t know that was the law Ithought the law was you’ree not allowed to talk or text, and if you can please let me off for this. He answered that “its your job to know the law”, and gave me a ticket. When I got home Ichecked up the law S1009 which says “use of a wireless telephone or electronic communication device shall include but not limited to talking or listening to another person on the telephone text messaging or sending an electronic message via the wireless telephone or electronic communication device”. From my understanding it says it pretty clear, but I guess Lakewood cops have a different understanding of the law”.
TLS spoke with an Officer this morning to verify the Law. He explained, a driver is required to be hands-free. In other words, he explained, holding a phone and checking your email or calendar, is a violation.
It is also worth adding what many Officers are likely to respond to the “I didn’t know” answer. “Not knowing the law, is breaking the Law”.
It says in the law straight out “but not limited to” which basicly means if a cop sees you holding a phone he will give you a ticket.
I don’t agree with the officer. What if he was holding a cup of coffee? soda? day planner?
I think the intent was to stop the communications aspect which is more distracting. Ubber limaaseh, it is distracting. Not sure if you can fight it but if that’s the law he quoted I would certainly try.
How ’bout having an HH bumpersticker?
Is it true that the 300th car that’s pulled over this week get’s a prize?
by the way u caget a ticket for drinking a coffe or eating a samich if the cop feels that you are distracted. go look it up
I got pulled over for DWJ.
Ever wonder why police officers are allowed to use cell phones while driving? Either everone can use them or none at all?
How about issuing sumonses for those officers who are caught in the act.
I actually witnessed other officers who turn on red when the sign says no turn on red. FYI, they don’t flash lights when they do.
Cops make things up all the time!
And for sneezing.
how about holding a cookie, coffee, donut, map book, lipstick, cigarette, etc……..
I would suggest spending some more time reading to improve your understanding of English. you quoted a paragraph that clearly indicates the illegality of your actions but then say that he must have had a different understanding. it is important to be able to understand the full import of English for daily living. please understand that this is not intended to be a glib reaction to your letter but rather a sincere suggestion directed to others as well. hkbh yimalei chesroncha.
to #1 if that is true why was there a second law passed that you cant text message wasnt that included in “but not limted to” obvisly it wasnt thats why there is a new law and the law is texting or talking
The point of the letter was to show what the lakewood cops are doing with thier time pulling people over for infractions that are maby a grey area let them fight real infractions and crime
here we go again bash the police, and FYI 300 cars is more like a day in this town……..
I’ve got nothing further to say.
Yes! I just got my prize– a radar detector. Then I got pulled over a block later for having it.
I got ticket for not having seatbelt on– and I was on bicycle.
to # 12
it says “but not limited to talking or listening to another person on the telephone text messaging or sending an electronic message via the wireless telephone” they made an ammendment to the law to include text messaging and anything else. Hence the “but not limited to”
I’m sure Bob Singer is hard at work on the ticket blitz and it should be
over soon.
You can now buy ticket insurance—–except in very high-risk areas.
Who wears jeans?
I say tefilas haderech when I drive in Lakewood and the words
are so lemaiseh.
I have nothin more to say either!
TLS should not be asking OFFICERS A FOR A DEFINITION OF THE law. Cops are minimum wage boys. Ask an attorney that is familiar with the law.
There are some fundamentals that are being confused in some of the comments to this story and others of this nature. Dina Dmalchisa Dina is quoted quite often.Hevai mispallel bishlomo shel malchus is another one.That is for US to uphold. It is not to be served as a weapon by the ones enforcing that . One should be aware of the Possuk that R. Avigdor Miller Zatzal used to elaborate on . The Posuuk is in Tehillim- “Vchesed Leumim Chatos.” Chesed is something that belongs exclusively to Klal Yisroel and nobody else. No other nation is cabale of that Middah.The same goes for being Melamed Zchus.It is out the Mitzvah of Vohavta Lreiacha Komocha .It again applies to Bnei Yiroel exclusively.When we read or hear about ANY stroy pertaining to individuals from varying cultures-it would be wise and prudent for us to bear these fundementals in mind.
I remember learning, in some Gemora somewhere, that messengers of the king, i.e. cops, are expected to break some of their own laws; they have that built-in priviledge so to speak. It doesn’t phase me at all to see cops on the phone. They are trained to be multitasking in their vehicles. Where as the regular joe, well, we’re lucky if he or she has been “trained” just to stop at a stop sign properly, let alone have stuff in their hands while driving.
if that name was given by a bris, you wouldnt have a minyan left for the seuda
#14 is right!
and “but not limited to” is clear in its meaning. keep your focus on the road, not on your phone- whether you are checking your calendar or talking on it. The phone is a distraction.
There should be a violation for driving while STUPID!
Let’s all just hope that the current ticket blitz which is still out in full swing will come to a stop soon. The powers in charge of this order (no mentioning names) have to realize that we will not tolerate this. Pulling people over to look for problems, ticketing borderline-gray area incindents, being totally unsympathetic to poeoples circumstances – is not something we should have to put up with. Before you question me – just ask around what’s been happening over the past week or so.
Can I look at my watch while driving to see the time? I don’t think I’d get a ticket for that. Well, I use use my cell phone to see the time if I don’t have my watch with me, so why can’t I look at it while I drive?
to #18 the words “but not limited ” were in the orignal law it was not added by the amendment thing of a better pshat
time for a civillian review board to keep the cops in check
There is no question that many many drivers have been pulled over this week and there certainly IS a ticket blitz going on. (Btw, has anyone seen anyone non jewish being pulled over, I haven’t.) Many of the traffic stops have been for cell phone infractions. Now THAT is something which for sure needs a response similiar to a drug bust! Two or three police cars at least! Your tax dollars at work!!!
to #5
What is a samich.
I’m guessing that is the New SANDWICH of the month at SSSS.
To #33 And who do you think is going to pay for that civilian review board? Dont go offering my tax money because people can’t obey the law. If people would act like they are supposed to there would be no “ticket blitz” as you call it. Thank You LPD for being there. As a cop you have to deal with the the worst of the worst and those that have no respect for the service you do. Without police officers there would be no civility. People would do as they please. People are so brave behind the saftey of their computer screens and can bash the cops but if they were violated who would be the first one they call? A wise person learns from thier mistakes and doesn’t repeat them and it’s wrong to make excuses for doing wrong so stop making excuses for you inability to organize your life and your time; slow down, stop at stop signs, buckle up , and for petes sake take care of business before you get behind the wheel and turn that phone off. Life is but a vapor, it passes fast enough without having to rush thru it.
All everyone does is complain about getting tickets and getting pulled over. DON’T DO STUPID THINGS WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING AND YOU WON’T GET PULLED OVER POINT BLANK AND PERIOD!!!!!!!!!
I do get annoyed when pulled over by a cop, but my infractions I shall stop. I understand why you may post an excuse, but the police don’t need our abuse. Cell phones are a distraction, for the authorities it is an attraction.I personally don’t need a ticket as a warning, for I watched a video on You Tube about how texting is so harming. Please understand that I am just a plain citizen, voicing my opinion.
I would call a cop right away if I was vaporized. They have a job that can often be dangerous. They also are well compensated for doing this job. I have great respect for police officers, but I don’t understand your point. Sure I’d call them right away and that’s why society has police. I appreciate them doing their job, but what does that have to do with giving out HUNDREDS of tickets in less than a week? Are cops infallible? Is it logical to assume that all of a sudden hundreds of “you people” are deserving of tickets? This is so out of proportion to any other municipality that it’s laughable. There is a premeditated hunt going on and yet you ignore this injustice and say we must respect and approve of these actions unconditionally! There is nothing wrong with a civilian review board. Everyone, even police, need oversight. And don’t worry about your taxes going up. The bounty of tickets over the past couple of days will easily cover it.
The real issue here is not if the 300 drivers were truly deserving of this treatment. The issue is why are the numbers of tickets given out this week 8 times the numbers of all the previous weeks. One logical explanation would be that the police department wants to crack down
for a week to insure more caution on the part of drivers in the future. The problem with this explanation is that Chief Lawson himself said (on the TLS) that neither he or any other police brass ordered a ticket blitz.I believe him.Chief Lawson is a man of great integrity and I trust him 100%. So we are left with a disturbing alternate explanation. Regular cops are carrying out a very drastic policy without the consent of their superiors. Which town would tolerate such disobedience??? In NYC this would be over in 1 minute. The mayor, the police brass, internal affairs dept., and civilian oversight would correct the situation without delay. Yet in good old Lakewood, anyone can do what they want and organize amongst themselves an abusive policy without any repercussions! What does our state senator who is also township committeeman Bob Singer say about this?
Ever since TLS started talking about this ticket blitz, I started looking at other drivers to see what they are doing while driving. It’s truly amazing that so many poeple are on their phones! I saw today one of our own Police Officers talking on his cell phone. I dont believe they are above the law. I believe they should be an example for the law. Just to clarify, the law was passed because it is dangerous to do other things while driving and cell phones can be very distracting. It was for other people’s safety as much as for your own. Looking at a calender is no better then reading a text message, you were distracted. If you actually went home and looked up the law, means you completely missed the boat. You got a ticket because you were doing something dangerous. If you have no regard for your own life at least care about the next guys life.
Hey #24 minimum wage boys???????? Try $ 100,000 a year,and if everyone likes to complain about the cops why dont you do this take the civil service test and become a cop,but im sure you would be to scared to put on a gun and badge, who is the 1st person people call when one of you guys needs help i believe its the police
#42 Police are allowed to use cell phones due to the fact that we need to communicate with headquarters and other police matters, we are exempt
Police officers have a digitally encoded radio in their cars to communicate with headquarters. They also have a digitally encoded walkie-talkie on their belts for the same reason. And now most of the cars are equipped with computers that are connected to headquarters. Therefore the officers have 3 ways to communicate. Now people are asking why they are talking on cell phones. Wake up – it’s simple – they can’t use either of those 3 devices to talk to their friends while on duty. And yes, the law does exempt them.
I woke up. Yes, it is simple. Your need to be on the cellphone is job related, thus the exemption. That is totally fair.
Yes, you caught some of the commentators here on a factual mistake. Now, can you please address the ticket blitz issue. Is that a factual mistake? Can the public get a record of all these tickets issued? Can the mayor get a record? How about state senator/ township committeeman Bob singer? Did he ask for one? Or is it also against the law (for our safety of course) to know what’s going on.