The family of Tzvi Hertz Z’L will be getting up from Shivah on Monday morning after Shachris, due to Yom Tov taking away one day of Shivah. Shivah is taking place at 210 Miller Road.
Shachris is 8 AM and Mincha and Maariv at 6:10 PM.
Visitors are asked not to come after 10:30 PM.
Umach Hashem Dimah Me’al Kol Panim.
The Munk family is also getting up Monday morning
didnt they go to eretz yisroel? Yom tov only counts if the kevura was chol hamoed but if they went to E.Y. then the shiva only starts after the Kevura
to # 2 the kvura was on simchas torah/yom tov sheini and probably before shkia
to #3 no it was not the levaya was on isru chag in america…
Rabbi Munk’s kevurah was Israel chag, and they are getting up
Monday morning,
Hoberman family also gets up Monday.
Can someone post where hobermans are sitting
the kvura was on wensday and the hertz’s were in isreal for 5 hours they went special to do the kuvra on wensday number 3 go do your reserch
Hoberman family sitting at Monmouth & Carey
Why do people need a picture of themselves sitting shiva posted online? Why can’t you give people a little privacy? Why do all media have to act in the same offensive, disgusting manner?